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Understanding ArcBridge Node Slashing

Sep 12, 2024 · edited

The ArcBridge Node plays a crucial role in our decentralized ecosystem, facilitating seamless asset transfers between the ArcBlock Main Chain and Ethereum Mainchain or other EVM-compatible chains (such as Coinbase Base Chain).

What is an ArcBridge Node?#

An ArcBridge Node acts as a distributed bridge gateway allowing permissionless transactions. Providers who wish to host an ArcBridge Node can join the network by staking 30,000 ABT. As part of the network, each node serves two key roles:

  • Verifier: Validates all transactions passing through the bridge.
  • Proposer: Manages the batching and submission of transactions to Ethereum.

Operating an ArcBridge Node is rewarding, as node operators receive transaction fees for verifying and publishing bridge transactions. These nodes can be hosted on a Blocklet Server or through a Blocklet Space on the ArcBlock Launcher. However, operating an ArcBridge Node also entails responsibilities, and you may face the slashing of your staked ABTs if something goes awry, even if it is not your intention.

What is ArcBridge Slashing?#

To ensure optimal performance and security, ArcBridge Nodes feature a built-in penalty mechanism for underperformance. Here’s how it works:

  • If a block is verified on the ArcBlock chain, it should be published to Ethereum promptly so users can claim their ERC20-ABT. The node that proposes and publishes the block earns the majority of the transaction fees.
  • If the node fails to publish within 2 hours after block production, other nodes may step in. If another node successfully publishes the block, the producer will be slashed.
  • The slash rules applies to all nodes, either they are hosted by official or community members.

The slashing config can be governed on-chain, you can view the current configuration from the block explorer:


A bit of explanation on each config:

  • Publishing waiting period: How much longer do other bridge nodes have to wait before they can step in to publish the block instead of the producer node, currently it's set to 2 hours
  • Publish slash rate: What percentage of ABT to slash when the above scenario happens, currently set to 2%, the slash will be 30000 * 2% = 600 ABT

Let's take a closer look at the process of slashing:


  1. ArcBridge Node (0xB561C6296233e92ea8eaD060dA858F04212D023e) produced block #208
  2. ArcBirdge Node (0x251afAC6d3C7B69E46D160E7943A76d41b190450) waited for 2 hours but found that the block was not published to Ethereum
  3. ArcBirdge Node (0x251afAC6d3C7B69E46D160E7943A76d41b190450) stepped in and published block #208 to Ethereum with transaction
  4. ArcBirdge Node (0x251afAC6d3C7B69E46D160E7943A76d41b190450) asked for other validators to validate its work and multi-signed its claim reward transaction
  5. ArcBlock Chain verified the reward claim transaction and found that the producer and publisher are not the same, and triggered a slashing when executing the transaction


Common Issues Leading to Slashing?#

Node operators might encounter several issues that can disrupt the block publishing process:

  • Cancellation of the ArcBridge Node’s subscription due to payment failures on the ArcBlock Launcher.
  • Exceeding API quotas if using public free Ethereum RPC endpoints, Infura free plan is limited to 100K requests per day.
  • Accidental or intentional stops of the ArcBridge Node.
  • Insufficient Ether to cover the transaction gas costs for publishing.

The node operator is responsible for maintaining the node’s operational status until it is formally removed from the bridge gateway.

Support for Slashed Community Nodes#

Since the launch of the ArcBridge for ABT, there have been instances where slashes were necessary. However, community bridge nodes that face slashing can appeal by providing a valid reason for the failure. After a thorough review, if the appeal is accepted, the slashed stakes may be returned.

To view the recent slashes and the currently available stakes in bridge nodes, you can visit:

Screenshot 2024-09-13 at 11.19.58.png

This system not only ensures the reliability and security of asset transfers but also supports the growth and integrity of the ArcBlock ecosystem. We encourage builders and participants to join us in this innovative journey, ensuring decentralized assets are transferred smoothly and securely.

Help us improve the Slashing Mechanism #

The Slashing mechanism is designed for enhancing network efficiency and security. We are continuously refining it to ensure its precision and accuracy.

Feel free to reach out to us on ArcBlock Community anytime, as we are eager to hear your feedback and help solve any problems you may encounter. Our goal is to provide users with the best experience possible, and we value your input!
