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DID Wallet 4.0 for Web is now released!

Aug 18, 2022 · edited

Written By:Li Peng (ArcBlock Engineer)

After a quarter of hard work and many iterations, DID Wallet finally released the latest version 4.0.11 on the web side on August 18.

So what are the important updates in version 4.0?

DID Wallet 4.0 for Web#

  1. New UI style
  2. New page navigation
  3. Asset
  4. New transaction UI
  5. Explore
  6. Message
  7. Support for buying ABT tokens directly from the wallet via Coinbase Pay
  8. support for more blockchains
  9. support for adding ERC721 NFT digital assets
  10. support DID Motif
  11. Support ENS Reverse Resolution
  12. support for opening opensea and etherscan directly in ethereum account
  13. support DID Wallet Support jump

Please see below for more information:

1. New UI style#

New UI

In version 4.0, we polished the UI design ourselves, from colors, fonts, sizes to layouts, we paid close attention to every UI detail, just to give users the most satisfying version.

2. New page navigation#

New Navigation

In version 4.0 we have redesigned the page interaction, in order to allow users to stay in the current context while doing some asset actions with the wallet, we have introduced a popup interaction for most of the pages.

3. Aggregared Assets#

Asset Manage

Token assets in the wallet will be aggregated by Token category on the front page, and NFT assets will be displayed underneath according to several categories.
Once you open the wallet, you can easily view and manage all the digital assets in the current wallet.

4. New Transaction UI#

tx ui

How to accurately and clearly communicate information about the transactions that happen on the chain in the wallet to the wallet user is the main goal of this update of our transaction UI.

On the transaction list page, the user can know exactly what the transaction is related to.

  • An account in their own wallet
  • an app
  • A contact that they have added

When the user goes to the details page, they can see more detailed information, the page is divided from top to bottom into

  • Transaction meta information, such as type, chain, status, time, etc.
  • Transaction-related account display, such as who sent it to whom, etc.
  • Transaction-related asset movement display
  • Transaction hash display with a link to the corresponding block browser page

5. Explore#


The Dapp app is currently supported in the wallet to push custom graphical recommendations or real-time updated data to users.

6. Message#


We also support messaging in the wallet. Dapp applications developed based on ArcBlock Blocklet come with the ability to send such messages, making it easy to send custom messages to specific users.

Some of the enhancements that are currently supported include

  • Top messages
  • Message mute
  • Unread message alerts, etc.

7. Support for buying ABT tokens directly from the wallet via Coinbase Pay#

Starting with this release, the wallet already supports cryptocurrency purchases via Coinbase Pay.

We officially support the purchase of ABT tokens directly from within the wallet via Coinbase Pay in this release: !

buy abt

8. Support for more blockchains#

Currently in the wallet, in addition to the Ethernet mainnet, we have added support for the following EVM chains in version 4.0.

  • Ropsten
  • Rinkeby
  • Goerli
  • Kovan
  • Binance Smart Chain
  • Binance Smart Chain Test Chain

manage chain

In the future, web wallet will support more Layer 1 and Layer 2 blockchains.

9. Support for adding ERC721 NFT digital assets#

Now you can also use DID Wallet to manage your ERC721 NFT assets. Simply go to the corresponding Ether account details page and click the menu in the upper right corner to enter the Add ERC721 function page.

There are several iterations of DID Wallet planned for next, including

  • Wallet usage help center integration
  • Token and chain management experience optimization
  • Optimize the experience of opening applications in the wallet
  • ...

NFT 721

10. Support DID Motif#

DID Motif is our icon library specially designed for DID addresses, using this library, you can get a unique DID exclusive icon for the same address.
Currently we have DID Motif support in our block browser, DID Wallet, and we have also made the DID Motif implementation completely open source to share with the community.
In the future, we will have a special article to introduce DID Motif in full.

11. Support for ENS Reverse Resolve#


If your DID wallet address has purchased an ENS domain, the wallet will currently help you identify it automatically. Also, if the contact you added to the Ethernet mainnet also has its own ENS domain name, the wallet will help you resolve it automatically as well.

12. Ethernet accounts support direct opening of opensea#


For Ether accounts, users can view NFT assets with one click directly to Opensea from the account details page in their wallet

13. On-line Help and Support#

In order to help new users get started with the wallet quickly, we also built in the wallet DID Wallet Support Blocklet, we will continue to maintain this Blocklet service to help users use the wallet more easily, some common questions can be found here to answer.

need help

You are welcome to to experience our latest version. If you encounter problems in using the wallet, you can try to find answers at DID Wallet Help Site.
