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ArcBlock Joins Microsoft to Discuss Decentralized Identity

Oct 12, 2020 · edited
ArcBlock CEO Robert Mao joins Microsoft's Director of Identity Standards Pam Dingle to discuss Decentralized Identity at the Washington Technology Industry Association's Blockchain UNconference on October 14, 2020.

ArcBlock's CEO Robert Mao, and Microsoft's Director of Identity Standards Pamela Dingle, will join host Joe Cuter to discuss one of the blockchain industry's most popular topics - Decentralized Identity - during the upcoming Washington Technology Industry Associations (WTIA) Blockchain UNconference.

As a technology, decentralized identity has the ability to give users a path to digital privacy and replace traditional identifiers such as usernames and email addresses with "IDs" that are self-owned, independent and can leverage blockchain and distributed ledger technologies to help protect the privacy and secure transactions. However, even though decentralized identity has the potential to transform how we interact with the internet and can give us control back of our data, many challenges remain and adoption has been slow. This panel will look at several of the adoption challenges, and look at how to solve the challenges. For examples:

  • Are users ready for decentralized identity?
  • What role do Verifiable Credentials play and can they help improve user adoption?
  • How is Microsoft working to bring Decentralized Identity to its ecosystem?
  • Can ArcBlock's ABT Wallet play a role in improving the overall user experience of decentralized identity?
  • Does the government need to play a role to help facilitate adoption?
  • Do standards organizations have a role to play in helping to shape the standards?
  • What kind of tools and capabilities do developers need to ensure decentralized identity is adopted in every app/service?
  • Can the recent popularity of DeFi help make adoption a reality?

Event Speakers:#

  • Pamela Dingle, Director of Identity Standards at Microsoft
  • Robert Mao, CEO of ArcBlock
  • Joe Cutler, Host and Partner at Perkins Coie

Speaker Bios#

Pamela Dingle#

Identity geek, Integrator, Architect, extrovert, jack-of-all-trades. 15+ years of experience spent putting Identity-related infrastructure into large organizations, seven years in the CTO office of a software vendor, meeting customers, working on strategy and vision, participating in standards efforts. Now working at Microsoft as part of their already strong commitment to open identity standards.

Robert Mao#

Robert is an industry thought leader in the blockchain industry and has been covered widely by global news media, including TechCrunch, CNN, USA Today, and other outlets. He is a regular speaker about cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology at events around the world. Prior to ArcBlock, Robert worked for Microsoft Research's Future Social Experiences (FUSE) labs, a research center focusing on social computing and machine learning. Robert Mao has authored more than 30 peer-reviewed academic conference papers, journal articles, and publications, and owns several patents.

Joe Cutler#

Joe is a partner of the prestigious Perkins Coie law firm and focuses on cutting-edge technology law with an emphasis on litigation. Today, Joe's practice focuses on Internet data protection and privacy, with an emphasis on data protection, privacy assessments, corporate information management and governance, and enforcement of laws related to doing business on the Internet. Ares of emphasis: Internet privacy and data protection law, cyber-crime enforcement, consumer protection law, international data transfers, virtual currency, and anti-money laundering regulation compliance, and product counseling.


You can register on Eventbrite or visit the WTIA's website to learn more.
