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Blockchain in UX Workshop

Sep 29, 2020 · edited
ArcBlock joins an evening discussion around the theme of UX for Blockchain with industry leaders, practitioners and experts.

ArcBlock will be joining the HCDE Alumni Leadership Board and other inudstry professionals at the first of many continuing education workshops dedicated to new and veteran UX practitioners. For this inaugural event, HCDE will be hosting an evening of talks and discussion around the theme of UX for Blockchain.

Blockchain is an area that many alumni and professionals have high interest in and one that, in its nascent state, but currently lacks the same educational resources available for other important UX topics. Participants in this event will develop an understanding of this important technology, insights on how they can approach it as UX professionals, and see several real-world examples from the panelists including ArcBlock's ABT Wallet, and several online web services.

The evening will feature talks by four blockchain experts, followed by a panel hosted by HCDE’s very own Tamara Adlin, focused on how the fields of blockchain and UX intersect. A social following the event will allow participants to talk with presenters and colleagues.

Event Speakers:#

  • Tamra Adlin, President/Consultant at Adlin Inc.
  • Arry Yu, Chair at WTIA Cascadia Blockchain Council
  • Chris Ingrao, Lumedic
  • Matt McKinney, ArcBlock
  • John DeVadoss, NEO

Speaker Bios#

Tamra Adlin#

Tamara Adlin is an author, speaker, and consultant in the fields of user experience, startup strategy, and career development for women, especially in technical fields. She has worked with established companies from Apple to Zillow, dozens of startups, and international organizations like the United Nations. As an author, she co-authored the Persona Lifecycle books, which have become part of the User Experience canon. Since then, she has developed a new Alignment Persona methodology to bring alignment to executive and stakeholder teams and clarity and focus to entire organizations. As a startup secret weapon, she has impressive stats: 17 early stage startups with 4 IPOs, 6 acquisitions, and counting. Before launching her own business, Tamara was a User Experience Lead at Amazon. She has a Master’s Degree in Human Centered Design and Engineering from UW, and has always been fascinated with the problem of getting lots of people with different backgrounds to communicate and work well together.

Arry Yu#

Strategic operator with expertise in scaling businesses with a consistent track record building high performing businesses and teams. Co-founder of the Cascadia Blockchain Council with the WTIA, who also recently raised over \$32 million dollars in an Initial Coin Offering (ICO) in 2017. Arry is a podcaster with Windshield Time Studio, innovator, and speaker/writer as seen in: Forbes, CNN Money, Huffington Post, U.S. News & World Report, Puget Sound Business Journal, Geekwire, Retailing Today, Seattle Times, and more. She advises/mentors with Ready Set Raise with the Female Founders Alliance, is an Executive Mentor with GroundWork and other accelerators, and is an investor in Tenta Browser, Stow-it, tZERO, and Ikigai. She also personally takes on special consulting projects on the side in marketing and PR for clients.

Matt McKinney#

Matt McKinney is a technical marketer who has helped build products and communities around the world. Before joining ArcBlock, Matt helped shape numerous brands and technology companies’ marketing and product strategies and was also an executive at a leading cloud hosting services company managing diverse product, business, and marketing teams with deep expertise around cloud and infrastructure, platforms, corporate governance and compliance.

Chris Ingrao#

Chris Ingrao is co-founder and chief operating officer of Lumedic Inc., a Providence St. Joseph Health company founded in Seattle to transform healthcare operations and patient experiences with advanced technologies. Chris brings more than 20 years of leadership experience in startups and multinational corporations applying leading-edge technologies to create new value. Prior to Lumedic, Chris was a vice president for Switzerland-based Luxoft, one of the world’s leading technology services providers. In this role, he led global teams specializing in blockchain, machine learning and Internet of Things solutions. Chris joined Luxoft upon its acquisition of Radius, a company he co-founded in 2010. Previous experience includes additional technology entrepreneurial success in executive/co-founder roles at Beijing-based iSoftstone and Seattle-area startups Akona Systems and Asentrix.

John DeVadoss#

John leads NEO Global Development in Seattle, WA, with a focus on the blockchain developer experience and tooling. Previously he built and successfully exited two Machine Learning start-ups. Earlier in his career at Microsoft, John incubated and built Microsoft Digital from zero to \$0.5B in revenue, and he also led Architecture Strategy, Product, and Developer Engagement for the .NET platform v1. He has published a number of books on Software Architecture, and is currently working on a book on Decentralized Systems.


Questions? Comments or concerns? If you need any special accommodations, please reach out to us. You can register on Eventbrite.

Please email the HCDE Alumni Leadership Board at
