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ArcBlock Telegram Community Ask Me Anything

Jun 16, 2019 · edited

ArcBlock Telegram Community Ask Me Anything#

Moderator: Alright, lets get ready to go.

Tyr Chen: Hi everyone.

Moderator: Let’s welcome Tyr Chen, VP of Engineering from ArcBlock back to our Telegram group.

Thanks to everyone who sent over questions earlier and please feel free to add any questions you may have in between Q&A for Tyr to respond.

Tyr Chen: Let me know if you have any questions

Moderator: Thanks Tyr, I start off with a few qeustions from the community from earlier today.
Q1: What is the difference between the DApps Workshop released this time and the previously released Forge framework and SDK?

**Tyr Chen: ** Dapps workshop is meant to be the ready-to-use prototype tool for engineers and PM to create dapp flow without any coding, while forge SDK is the wrapper to the RPC forge provided. Developers still need to write code that triggers sdk to work.

**Moderator: ** As a prototype tool, what kind of things can a PM or engineer do with DApps Workshop?

Tyr Chen: Dapps workshop wrapped all the txs supported by forge in a nice UI that one could use it along with ABT wallet to build work flow for dapps that have complex interactions. For example, you can create a online store that sells digit assets, and then use ABT wallet to mimic a user to interact with the "store" to buy things.

Normally this kind of interaction requires massive coding work to make it available. But with the Dapps workshop, as well as the ABT wallet, the entry barrier is much much lower.

**Moderator: ** Another related question from another member Q3: DApps Workshop is for testing the idea of verification development. The problem is that there are many different ideas and implementations. Why is there a general test method? And how can it help to create the product prototype?

Tyr Chen: The core flow for a dapp is the transactions between a user and the system. In forge we ship with many transactions protocols to support various use cases. Normally a dapp would build their flow to combine different txs to solve s sophisticated problem. Dapps workflow helps on that well.

**Moderator: ** So another question from another member earlier today is related to something you mentioned earlier. Q: Does DApps Workshop require a user to write code?

Tyr Chen: No for 90% of the time. In future we may open the plugin system for dapps workshop for personalization, but the default functionalities shall meet most of the requirements. If things that dapps workshop cannot do probably one should consider using ForgeSdk to fulfill it.

Moderator: Nice, okay I’ve got a couple of more. Someone asked me yesterday - Q: Are there new features coming to DApps Workshop?

Tien Chen: That's a good one. Once we shipped the crosschain solution, we will support it in dapps workshop. That's a major upgrade we would do in near future. And any upcoming txs we supported we will build a UI flow in Dapps workshop.

**Moderator: ** Thanks. Probably the most common question I still get from members is - Q:  When is the token swap?

Tyr Chen: We target that in Q3. That is a major work that we're working hard on.

Moderator: Great and hard to believe we are almost done already. another frequent question - Q11:  Whats next on ArcBlock’s product roadmap?

Tyr Chen: crosschain support, token swap, privacy, and staking are major work on the chain node side; wallet and sdk will have corresponding support on those; on the dapps side, we will focus on community and commerce related ones. You will find more on our website: We will update there.

**Question: ** Want to ask one more question. The first Dapp will be launched before the token swap or after?

Tyr Chen: I'm pretty sure we will launch one or more dapps before token swap. 🙂. Thanks everyone.
