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ABT Wallet - A Decentralized Identity Wallet

May 15, 2019 · edited

Author: Matt McKinney (ArcBlock Marketing & BD Director)

A walkthrough of the decentralized identity wallet ABT Wallet from ArcBlock #

Explore the ABT Wallet with a introductory walkthrough showing you many of the features and benefits, and how to get started.

Download ABT Wallet

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In this video, ArcBlock will show you how to create new wallets and use the basic functions of your new fully decentralized ABT Wallet. If you haven't already, download the wallet from the Android or iOS stores.

Let's get started.

  1. First, we are going to create the wallet name and initial key to generate our private keys. The initial key will also be used to restore wallet information whenver you get a new device or need to recover from a device reset. Click to save the recovery code in the form of pictures, not screenshots.
  1. Now, depending on your device you can add fingerprints or face recognition to unlock your ABT Wallet, or you can add or modify this setting in your wallet settings.
  1. Now we have entered the initial interface of the ABT wallet. You will then be presented with a guide card that is there to help you understand the function and operation of the ABT wallet. For example, this guide card shown in the demo shows you how to load your digital assets. Each card category will be displayed on the home page for easy viewing.
  1. Let's take a look at the next step, Another guide card describes how to set up a personal profile. You can click the button to create your first one. On the next screen, you are presented with some basic forms and a place where you can upload your profile picture. The picture and name will be displayed on the card of your personal information. You can also enter your signature, although this step can be done later. Click Save. Congratulations, you created your first first personal information card. You can create multiple personal profiles for different logins or application scenarios allowing you more control over what you share with others.
  1. ABT Wallet is a multi-faceted wallet and does many things to help a user manage their daily digital lives. Many of the functions of ABT wallets are accomplished by scanning two-dimensional QR codes. To help you understand how that works let's look at an example of using the personal profile card you just created to login to a website.
  1. Click the circular button at the bottom of the wallet app to start the QR code scanner. When the scan is successful, you can see that the other party here is attempting to request personal information from you and in this case they are simply requesting your name. I can choose the existing profile card or create a new profile card. When you have multiple personal profile cards, you can easily switch them by sliding left and right.
  1. Now, slide the button to the right to confirm the login. Now, the asset bar in the card package displays a newly generated account card and shows your balance. Unfortunately, the balance is currently 0 TBA. So, let's take of that.
  1. Let's can another QR Code from the demo site. Go through the same process and scan the two-dimensional code, enter the confirmation page. The goal of this particular example is to get you some TBA. So, confirm you want the 25 TBA and after sliding to confirm you go back to the homepage. After a few seconds you new TBA will show up in your balnace.
  1. Let's take a look at your new TBA. Click on the token to view the details including some details like information about the chain, unacknowledged transactions, and transaction history.
  1. As you can see from the transaction history, this account has two records. The bottom one is the log-in record that we demonstrated first, and the second one is the record that we got 25 TBA. You can click on the information in the chain to view this account.
  1. You can also click on any transaction record to see detailed information such as hash, time, my address and the others address.
  1. For the last example, select the button "More" on the right side below the card to archive the card so that it will not be displayed on the homepage. Of course, you can find "View Archived Accounts" at the bottom of the homepage and change the settings.

ABT Wallet is easy to start with, and gives you everything you need to manage your digital life. It's easy, secure and fully decentralized. Remember, with your new wallet you are in control every step of the way and share what you want, when you want to. and
