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Consensus NY ArcBlock Update

May 13, 2019 · edited

ArcBlock Engages with Technology Partners and Potential Customers#

New York Blockchain Week#

Though ArcBlock has only been in New York since Saturday, the interest and engagement the team has seen on recent announcements have been strong. Today’s time was spent less on promotion and more on trying to build new relationships with potential partners and conference attendees.

As many of you know, over the last four weeks, ArcBlock has introduced several new services including their Forge Blockchain Application Framework for developers and their newly announced Decentralized Identity Solutions and ABT Wallet giving everyone the ability to easily build decentralized applications and blockchain services by easily integrated decentralized identity and allowing users to access those apps and services instantly.

Since the announcement on Monday, interest has been high and the team spent the day demonstrating and showcasing ArcBlock’s identity services and wallet to interested conference attendees, partners, and potential customers. Much of the discussion during these demonstrations was around use cases including identity and user authentication, electronic certificates and ability to generate things like driver's license, and IP management for in-game video assets. For ArcBlock, these conversations are providing validation that decentralized identity is critical next step to leverage the benefits of blockchain, and also that there is strong interest from the community for these types of services.

At these events, we can definitely feel that blockchain is catching on and becoming a reality and interest has never been higher. Stay tuned for more news!
