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ArcBlock Will Attend New York Blockchain Week

May 7, 2019 · edited

ArcBlock will attend New York Blockchain Week 2019#

New York Blockchain Week#

ArcBlock will be in New York from May 11, 2019, to May 17, 2019, participating in multiple events during the annual New York Blockchain Week. New York Blockchain Week includes a a range of different events throughout the week and is the annual gathering of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology companies and attracts many of the major companies in the industry, as well as leading developers and investors.

For anyone attending ArcBlock is interested in meeting with you to learn about your technologies and/or engage in conversations around mutual partnership. During the week, ArcBlock will be attending different events and actively connecting with technology leaders, developers and blockchain companies to engage, discuss and solidify new partnerships and opportunities around the newly launched ArcBlock Developer Platform. ArcBlock is a leader of the decentralized web using cutting-edge designs, DID and next-generation interconnected blockchains and is expanding the platform to include new technologies and services that benefit our users. Some of the highlighted events ArcBlock will be attending are Consensus, Building Blocks Hackathon, BCI Summit and more.


One such event that ArcBlock will be participating in is Consensus, which focuses on discussions around the future of the blockchain industry. During Consensus, startups, developers, businesses and other attendees will have an opportunity to meet ArcBlock’s founders and demo ArcBlock’s blockchain application platform and see many real-world applications.

Building Blockchain Hackathon#

During Consensus Week, ArcBlock’s developer teams will be participating in the Building Blocks Hackathon at Consensus running from May 11th to May 12th. The Building Blocks hackathon is one of the blockchain industries premier hackathons attracting many of the leading developers and companies. During the event, teams will use the blockchain industries leading blockchains protocols and platforms including ArcBlock’s blockchain application platform and recently launched Forge SDK showing off the capabilities and feature rich developer tools compared to previous generation platforms. During the event teams will hack, hustle and deep-dive into ArcBlock’s tools and other cutting-edge developer tools with the winners taking home up to \$30.000 in prizes.

BCI Summit#

ArcBlock will also be participating in the BCI Summit from May 10th to May 12th. BCI Summit is focused on providing trust, transparency, and opportunities to engage with industry leading companies like ArcBlock. Summit participants include organizations and companies like NASA, GE Ventures, TechStars, HSBC, Motorola, IBM and many more. This year's event is focused on several key topics including the commercial adoption and utilization of blockchain technologies, business impacts of decentralization and the potential disruption across business sectors. CEO Robert Mao will attend sessions including Asia’s Impact On Disruptive Tech Growth, The Future of Identity, Privacy and Security and Blockchain Startups.

Other Events#

In addition to the above events and some private meetings already scheduled, ArcBlock will also be attending the following events and would love to meet your there:

  • May 12, Learn to Build Your First Blockchain
  • May 13, A Chamber Member Event
  • May 14, A programmable Economy and Digital Assets
  • May 15, Consensus: Blockchain Marketers and Community
  • May 15, DAOify
  • May 15, KryptoNYC: East meets West

If you plan to attend any of the above events, and are interested in meeting ArcBlock, you can reach us on Twitter at, Telegram at or through our website at
