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ArcBlock Participates in Crypto Seattle's Meetup in Seattle, WA

Oct 15, 2018 · edited

ArcBlock in Crypto Seattle's Meetup - Beyond Ethereum: Demystifying DApps and Problems Preventing Mass Adoption of Blockchain - on October 15 in downtown Seattle, WA. The event was cohosted with industry partner QuarkChain, which brought together two of blockchains leading thought leaders - Qi Zhou, CEO of QuarkChain and Robert Mao, CEO of ArcBlock.

The meetup discussions focused on recognition that Blockchain is a disruptive and a rapidly growing technology that has the potential to transform many industries. Whether its DApps, digital identity, supply chain, and logistics, Fintech, the technology has the potential to deliver significant value to developers, businesses, and users by empowering end-users and giving companies increased security and the ability to create amazing digital experiences.

CEO of ArcBlock, Robert Mao and CEO of QuarkChain, Qi Zhou

During the different presentations by QuarkChain and ArcBlocks the companies first discussed some of the significant hurdles that need to be resolved in order for mass adoption to occur including poor performance, vendor lock-in, lack of features, high costs, and poor customer usability are some of the common issues seen today with many blockchain and DApps.

In addition, both Qi Zhou and Robert Mao looked at how their next generation services are moving to solve these problems. QuarkChain discussed their latest offering QuarkChain 2.0 that gives users up to 100,000 TPS that far surpasses anything available for Ethereum and Bitcoin. ArcBlock discussed the role of the platform and how it is transforming the user experience by simplifying the development lifecycle for DApps and services. Robert Mao, also discussed ArcBlock's increasing impact on industry overall by seeing increased adoption by Fortune 500 companies and government organizations who have specific use cases that are able to be solved by ArcBlock's platform.

Robert Mao Discussing Challenges that Blockchain Faces to Achieve Mass Adoption

Companies like Quarkchain, and ArcBlock, are working on cutting-edge blockchain 3.0 services that have the potential to transform how DApps are built, resolve many of today's issues, and deliver amazing outcomes for end-user experiences helping to move blockchain to mass market adoption.

For anyone interested in learning more about ArcBlock, please contact ArcBlock by visiting their website or follow them at Twitter:@arcblock_io or their Telegram community at for more information.

