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ArcBlock to attend and present at Rebooting the Web of Trust

Sep 25, 2022 · edited

Rebooting the Web of Trust

ArcBlock founder and CEO Robert Mao will attend and present at Rebooting the Web of Trust 11 at The Hague University, Netherland.

Rebooting the Web of Trust (RWOT) is a design workshop focused on the creation of the next generation of decentralized web-of-trust based identity systems. Over the last seven years, Rebooting the Web of Trust has published over fifty collaborative white papers, technical specs, and code repositories. The focus of all of our events is on decentralized identity, including technical models, reputation systems, smart contracts and more.

During the event we will work together with peers, thought leaders, researchers and implementers to shape the future of decentralized digital identity. In this 11th edition we’re coming together to collaborate on technical papers, software implementations, and specifications.

To learn what we will present during this year's conference, please check out the advanced reading here:
