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Blocklet Server v1.16.22 Released

Jan 15, 2024 · edited

We are excited to announce the release of Blocklet Server v1.16.22. This new version, the result of three weeks of dedicated improvement and testing with 55 commits, marks a significant step forward in our commitment to providing an advanced decentralized application platform.

Features and Improvements#

Blocklet Launch Workflow#

  • DID Domain Enhancement: DID domains are now enabled by default and fully functional during the launch process.
  • Launch Workflow Router Optimization: We have ensured the router is prepared before any redirection occurs in the launch workflow.
  • Domain Setup UX Polish: The user experience for setting up domains during the launch process has been refined for clarity and ease of use.
  • DID Domain Verification: Added a check for DID domains when adding new domains, enhancing security and domain management.

User Login Experience#

  • Redesigned Login Page: We have completely overhauled the login page and experience, offering a more intuitive and user-friendly interface.

App Management Experience#

  • Multilingual Support: Server and blocklet dashboard now support additional languages, catering to a global audience.
  • Automatic Component Update Notifications: The server now checks and notifies users about component updates automatically.
  • Progress Display for Blocklet Component Downloads: Users can now see the downloading progress of blocklet components during installation.
  • Expanded Language Support for Blocklets: Support for all ISO-639-1 languages in blocklets, making them more accessible.
  • Enhanced Notifications on Dashboard: Added notifications for various activities on the blocklet dashboard.
  • Improved Email Configuration: Sending test emails now uses the current wallet configuration, and user info in the email footer is more polished, displaying either DID or email.

Developer Experience#

Blocklet CLI#

  • Enhanced Screenshot Naming: When running blocklet bundle, screenshots are now named using a hash for better organization.
  • New Cleanup Command: Introduced blocklet cleanup to clear cache and reset maintenance status, streamlining the development process.

Blocklet SDK#

  • Logging API Improvements: The @blocklet/logger now has a better logging API and supports rotation.
  • Jest Integration: Added setup/teardown scripts for blocklet tests, making testing more efficient.
  • Test Environment Enhancements: Disabled connections and requests in the test environment to streamline testing.
  • Resource Handling Flexibility: Added support for multiple types in getResources.
  • Spec Update:

Removed deprecated properties from blocklet.yml, ensuring the specifications are up-to-date and streamlined.

Other Improvements#

  • Improved Developer Experience: Unauthorized requests to the dev mode component now correctly return a 401 error.
  • API Enhancements: The correct component version is now returned in blocklet.js.
  • Developer Workflow Automation: Added a script to automate the schema update workflow, streamlining development processes.
  • Output Handling in TTY: When running scripts in TTY, output is no longer prefixed, enhancing readability.
  • Pre-flight Hook Support: Introduced support for a pre-flight hook before migration or start-up, adding flexibility to the development process.

Security and Reliability#

  • Access Log Enhancement: The hostname is now included in the blocklet service access log for better monitoring.
  • Cache Management in Open Graph Service: The cache will now be cleared when the logo changes, ensuring up-to-date content delivery.
  • Security Measures: Nested secure preferences variables are now correctly excluded from blocklet.js to enhance security.
  • Reliability Fixes: Resolved issues where the server could get stuck in maintenance mode or the default routing engine could disrupt service, ensuring smoother operation.
  • Secure Environment Management: Fixed a bug that prevented the secure environment from being cleared properly when configuring components.

As always, we ensure the quality of each official release by running it in our production environment for a week. This rigorous quality control process guarantees stability and reliability.

To experience the latest enhancements in Blocklet Server v1.16.22, you can upgrade your Blocklet Server or use our official Launcher. Your continuous support and feedback inspire us to keep innovating and enhancing the Blocklet Server, the next generation of decentralized application platforms.
