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Data retention policy

2024-04-18 06:34
· edited

After the invoice is overdue, the data will not be immediately deleted. After the due date, it is divided into two stages, Past-due and Canceled, where different treatments can be applied to applications and data in these two stages.

The data retention policies for on-demand spaces and dedicated spaces are the same. Unless otherwise specified, the policies in the document apply to both on-demand spaces and dedicated spaces.

Stage Explanation:

  • Past-due
  • Cancelled.


If the invoice is overdue and not paid, the app will be suspended; users can restore the app by renewing it.

During this period, the use of data will not have any impact.


Cancellation of subscription related documents:

Cancelled subscriptions cannot be restored. After cancellation, the application data will be retained for 30 days, and data will be deleted after 30 days overdue.

Before the data is deleted, you can choose to backup the data to DID Spaces:

  • On-demand space can back up application data to DID Spaces, refer to the documentation:
  • Dedicated space currently do not support backing up the entire Blocklet Server data to DID Spaces, but you can choose to backup the Blocklet data in the Blocklet Server to DID Spaces separately. If you have any other needs, please contact us through the forum