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What is slasher?

Product / DID Wallet
2024-06-06 12:03
· edited


The slasher is the account responsible for carrying out the slash operation in the stake. In Arcblock's blockchain staking system, the slashers must be specified when staking. When a staker attempts to violate the rules or act maliciously, the slashers can confiscate all or part of the assets staked by them. The shashers is usually an operator of a Blocklet or a node staker, whose interests are closely related to maintaining a good trading environment. Therefore, they are motivated to maintain the trading environment and ensure the overall network develops in a positive direction. To prevent the slashers from using the confiscated assets for personal gain, the system has designed a mechanism: the confiscated assets will not be sent to the slashers, but will be transferred to the community pool of the Arcblock blockchain system. These assets will be used for community rewards, promoting the development and prosperity of the community.
