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Hosting domain

DID Name Service
DID Domain
2024-06-22 04:25
· edited

ID Domain supports hosting domain names registered from other domain registrars, and after issuing NFT, you can use the domain name on the Blocklet platform.

The document mainly includes:

  1. Prerequisite Knowledge
  2. Add domain names to be hosted
  3. Verify domain ownership
  4. Change the nameservers of the hosted domain.
  5. Make payment and complete subscription.
  6. Notes

1. Prerequisite Knowledge#

  • If not specified otherwise, the document uses the domain name as an example.

2. Add the domain name to be hosted#

  1. Access the managed domain page:
  2. Domain name to be hosted


3. Verify domain ownership#

Configuring begins after adding a domain name, and the first step is to verify the user's ownership of the hosted domain.

  1. Add a TXT record to the domain name according to the instructions on the page.
    1. Record Name: _did_dns_verify
    2. Record type: TXT
    3. Record Value: The record value displayed on the page
  2. Waiting for the record to take effect, because DNS propagation takes time, so it usually does not take effect immediately.
    1. You can click the button on the page to check if it has taken effect.
    2. DID Domain will automatically detect whether it takes effect. If it does, email and wallet notifications will be sent to users, who can proceed with the next steps based on the notification content.



  • The specific effective time of DNS cannot be determined, but it generally does not exceed 48 hours.
  • Because this record is used for verification and will not affect the efficiency of subsequent parsing, so the cache time can be set to the shortest.

4. Modify the nameservers of the hosted domain#

If domain ownership verification is successful, the next step is to set up nameservers.

The way of setting second-level domains and subdomains is different.

Secondary Domain#

1. Log in to your domain registrar

Log in to your domain registrar, locate the domain management page, and find the nameserver settings page. You can look up your domain registrar at ICANN.

2. Remove other nameservers.

Set the nameservers provided by DID Domain to be the only server.

3. Set the nameservers to the servers specified by DID Domain.

Set the nameserver to the server address specified on the page, then wait for the record to take effect.


Different registrars may have different modification ways, but most provide a relatively user-friendly UX. If you encounter difficulties, you can seek help from the community.


Subdomains need to modify their NS records, and the configuration page provides detailed steps:

1. Log in to your domain registrar.

Log in to your domain registrar, go to the domain management page, and find the domain resolution page. You can search for your domain registrar at ICANN.

2. Configure NS records

Add two NS records, with record values specified by the configuration page domain.

For example:


Different registrars may have different modification methods, but most provide a relatively friendly user interface. We have provided some documentation on how to modify name servers and resolution records with various registrars:

If you encounter difficulties, you can seek help from the community.

5. Make payment and complete subscription.#

Finally, you will need to pay to complete the subscription. After successful payment, an NFT domain name will be sent to your wallet, and then you can use the domain name on the Blocklet platform through NFT. For more information, refer to:

The price is based on actual payment.


6. Notes#

Support hosting second-level domains and subdomains of the second-level domains, but cannot host the same second-level domain and its subdomains at the same time

For example, once has been hosted, it cannot host its subdomain; because after hosting the second-level domain, the Blocklet platform can automatically manage all subdomains.
