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Supplying images

2024-06-24 07:15
· edited

You need to supply several kinds of images to be used in the Blocklet Store:

  • Blocklet logo
  • Screenshots

Only the blocklet logo and a screenshot are mandatory. However, providing attractive versions of both increases your blocklet's chances of getting noticed.

You can improve your blocklet's performance in the Blocklet Store by following our best practices for images and other listing information. To learn more about these best practices, see Listing information.

You must provide a 256x256-pixel blocklet logo image in the ZIP file of your blocklet. Some requirements for the image:

  • The actual logo size should be 256x256 (for square logos); an additional 16 pixels per side should be transparent padding, adding up to 256x256 total image size. For details, see logo size.
  • The image must be in PNG format.
  • The image should work well on both light and dark backgrounds.

When you design the logo, keep the following advice in mind:

  • Don't put an edge around the 256x256 image; the UI might add edges.
  • If your logo is mostly dark, consider adding a subtle white outer glow so it'll look good against dark backgrounds.
  • Avoid large drop shadows; the UI might add shadows. It's OK to use small shadows for contrast.
  • If you have a bevel at the bottom of your logo, we recommend 4 pixels of depth.
  • Make the logo face the viewer, rather than having built-in perspective. See Perspective for details.

Logo Size#

All blocklet logos should have the same visual weight, occupying roughly the same area. As the following figure shows, when you size an logo to fill the available area, square and circular logos are significantly larger than they should be, compared to logos with other shapes.

You can use the following template images to help you judge how large your image's artwork should be. The templates show the correct size for a square and a circle, but these are merely guides; logos that have pointy bits might stray outside these areas. If an irregularly shaped logo takes up very little area and is mostly negative space, using the entire 128x128 area might be acceptable.

You can follow some rules of thumb for artwork size. For a square logo, make the artwork 96x96 pixels. For other logos that are squarish, make the artwork's width 75-80% of the total width of the image. A circular logo should have a diameter of approximately 112 pixels, or 85% to 90% of the image width. logos with irregular shapes should have similar weights.

Logo Perspective#

For flexibility and consistency, blocklet logos should be front-facing. Subtle tweaks of perspective that give a sense of tangibility are OK, but avoid dramatic angles.


Use screenshots to convey capabilities, the look and feel, and experience of your blocklet to users. You must provide at least 1—and preferably the maximum allowed 5—screenshots of your blocklet to be displayed in the blocklet's store listing. Screenshots should demonstrate the actual user experience, focusing on the core features and content so users can anticipate what the blocklet's experience will be like.

If your blocklet supports multiple locales, you can provide locale-specific screenshots as described in Internationalizing Your blocklet.

Each screenshot should be as follows:

  • Square corners, no padding (full bleed)
  • 1280x800 or 640x400 pixels
