Used to check for browser translation.

When stuck on a blank screen?

2024-01-09 04:52
· edited

If your website shows a blank screen and refreshing and clearing cache does not help, please consider the following steps to recover:

Step1: Open your blocklet dashboard#

To open your blocklet dashboard if you are stuck on a blank screen, replace anything after the domain with /.well-known/service/admin


Make sure there are no duplicate slashes in the URL, then hit enter, and login as owner or admin

Step2: Clear your blocklet cache#

Click the Configuration tab, scroll to the bottom until you see the Danger Zone, click clear cache and then confirm.

Step3: Verify by refresh your page#

Clearing the cache will help in most of cases, if you have cleared your blocklet cache, but are still stuck in a blank screen, please contact us at
