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Product / Blocklet Server
2024-03-14 08:19
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Welcome to Blocklet the Web 3.0 Application Platform#

Blocklet is a platform that provides a toolkit which enables developers to build composable and compelling Web 3.0 applications efficiently. The toolkit covers the end-to-end workflow for application building process, such as bootstrapping, developing, distribution and deployment.

The complete ArcBlock infrastructure and apps are built and served by the blocklet platform, including the documentation you are reading now. So, what are you waiting for? Let's start building blocklets for fun and profit today!

Getting Started
Environment setup and get your first blocklet project up and running within minutes

Conceptual Guides
Big-picture explanations of higher-level blocklet concepts. Most useful for building understanding of a particular topic.

How To Guides
Practical step-by-step guides to help you achieve a specific goal. Most useful when you're trying to get something done.

Reference Guides
Nitty-gritty technical descriptions of how blocklet works. Most useful when you need detailed information about APIs of components in the blocklet toolkit.

How to get help?#

Having trouble? We’d like to help!

  • Try the FAQ – it’s got answers to many common questions.
  • Looking for specific information? Try the search box with your keywords.
  • Found something missing? or found a typo? Click "Submit Feedback" on each page footer to create issues on GitHub.
