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User and Passport

2023-09-07 06:44
· edited

Blocklet Auth Service provides DID-based authentication and Passport-based access control for Blocklets.

Developers can obtain authentication and access control capabilities by configuration or API, without having to implement them from scratch.

  • Get user identity
  • Get user permissions
  • Set who can access
  • Block unauthenticated requests
  • Block unauthorised requests

You can experience the above functions through Auth Demo

Configure Blocklet Auth Service#

Configured in the Web Interface declared in blocklet.yml

# blocklet.yml

- type: web
- name: auth # Auth service for this access interface
whoCanAccess: all # Who can access (can be dynamically modified after the app is installed)
blockUnauthenticated: false # Whether to automatically intercept unauthenticated requests and jump to the login page (default: false)
blockUnauthorized: false # Whether to automatically block unauthorized requests (default: false)
allowSwitchProfile: true # Whether to support switching profiles (default: true)
profileFields: # Information to provide when logging in
- fullName
- email
- avatar
ignoreUrls: [] # Which interfaces allow any request to access
# The following properties has nothing to do with auth
protocol: http
name: publicUrl
path: /
prefix: '*'


Users can login to Blocklet without registration

Add the login component to the page#

import React from 'react';
import { ThemeProvider, createTheme } from '@arcblock/ux/lib/Theme';
import { createAuthServiceSessionContext } from '@arcblock/did-connect/lib/Session';
import Header from '@blocklet/ui-react/lib/Header';

const { SessionProvider } = createAuthServiceSessionContext();

const theme = createTheme();
export default function App() {
return (
<ThemeProvider theme={theme}>
<Header />

More: Blocklet UI

Use default login page#

When blockUnauthenticated is set to true, unauthenticated requests will be automatically blocked to the default login page

View Users#

After a user logs into the Blocklet, Blocklet Auth Service records the user's identity.

Developers can query user information through Blocklet SDK

User Permissions and Passports#

Blocklet Auth Service uses role-based access control RBAC

Different from the traditional permission control system, the user's role is not stored in the server, but in the user's own wallet.

The way Blocklet grants user roles is by issuing a passport to the user, which records the user's role. The user provides the corresponding passport when logging in to obtain the right to operate the resource.

Developers can create roles and manage their permissions through Blocklet SDK.

Creating a role creates a passport.

Blocklet consumers can issue and manage passports for users in the Blocklet console.

Blocklet has 4 default passports (developer does not need to create via API to use)

  • owner: Only Blocklet owners will get this passport. The Blocklet owner is the one who installed and started the Blocklet for the first time.
  • admin: It is recommended to issue this passport to the administrator of the Blocklet
  • member: It is recommended to issue this passport to internal members of the Blocklet
  • guest: Usually no passport is required for the guest, this passport can be issued if required

Access control#

  • A request goes through the Blocklet Service before reaching the blocklet
  • Developers can declare the default configuration in Blocklet Service in blocklet.yml, and users can also modify the default configuration in Blocklet Dashboard after installing the blocklet
  • Developers can also implement access control in code
  • If a blocklet contains multiple components, access control can be configured for each component separately

Access Control Type#

  • Public Access
  • Non-public Access
  • Accessible after login
  • Invited people (internal members) can access
  • Accessible with specefic passports
  • Only the owner can access

Set access control in Blocklet Service#


Developers configure in blocklet.yml

Whether users can configure

Public Access

set whoCanAccess to all


Accessible after login

Set blockUnauthenticated to true


Invited people (internal members) can access

set whoCanAccess to invited


Accessible with specefic passports



Only the owner can accessset whoCanAccess to ownerYes

Set specified URLs to public access#

If the Blocklet is set to private access, but the developer wants to set some URLs to public access, he can set it in blocklet.yml via ignoreUrls:

- /api/** # All urls under the /api path are public
- /public/** # All urls under the /public path are public
- /path/to # # Set the specified url for public

Set public access for DID Connect URLs

If there is a DID Connect API in the Blocklet server, the developer needs to set the DID Connect API to public access. Because the wallet does not carry authentication information when communicating with Blocklet.

- /api/did/** # If the DID Connect API in the Blocklet is mounted under /api/did

Implement access control in code#

Developers can use the middleware provided in the Blocklet SDK to implement access control in code, see Middleware for details
