Used to check for browser translation.

Develop Blocklet

2024-01-17 00:45
· edited

Start development#

1. Configure the startup command in blocklet.yml#

dev: npm run start can be configured as any command

If the blocklet is purely front-end, there is no need to set See blocklet.yml: Types

2. Execute blocklet dev in the project root directory#

After the startup is complete, you will see the access address of the blocklet in the terminal


✔ Blocklet xxxxxxx@x.x.x was successfully started

ℹ You can access with the following URL

"blocklet dev" will first install an application in the Server, and then automatically hang the blocklet in the application and start it. If you want to hang your blocklet into other applications for development, see "Hang the Blocklet into Application Development"

Mount Blocklet into application development#

To hang Blocklet into application development, add --app-did and optional --mount-point parameters to the blocklet dev command.

blocklet dev --app-did <app-did> --mount-point /xxx




  1. Configure in .env
  1. blocklet dev

--app-did Can be viewed in the blocklet details page (either App DID or Permanent DID can be used)


--mount-point: The mount point of the blocklet in the application, such as /, /path, /path/to

Blocklet mount point#

Blocklet is a component in the application and will be mounted in a certain path on the site ( / or /xxx ). Therefore, Blocklet needs to pay attention to matters related to the mount path, including "getting the mount point", "API", "redirecting", and "loading front-end static resources"

Get mount point#

Front-end: After introducing blocklet runtime information , obtain the mount point of the component through window.blocklet.prefix

Backend: In a request, obtain the mount point of the component through the x-path-prefix in the request header.

server.use((req, res) => {
const mountPoint = req.headers['x-path-prefix'];


In Blocklet's own code, there is no need to add a mount point prefix to the Web API, because the client's request will first go through the Blocklet Service. When the component receives the request, the request prefix has been removed.


  1. Component declaration API: /api/foo
  2. The component is mounted under /child
  3. Client request /child/api/foo
  4. Blocklet Service forwards the request to the component and removes the prefix /child
  5. Component receives request /api/foo


We need to support redirection of the backend working properly with relative paths

const prefix = req.headers['x-path-prefix'];


We need to support front-end redirection working properly under relative paths

const prefix = window.blocklet.prefix;

window.location.href = `${prefix}path/to`;

Load front-end static resources#

Because the front-end page of Blocklet will be loaded under a relative path (such as /child1/index.html), we need to support loading front-end static resources under a relative path.

When building the app, change the app's front-end static resource prefix to /.blocklet/proxy/<blocklet did>

PUBLIC_URL='/.blocklet/proxy/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' npm run build

You usually don't need to configure it manually. When you create a Blocklet project using Create Blocklet, everything is already configured for you.

Stop development#

After starting development, press CTRL + C in the terminal to stop development

Clear data#

After you stop developing a blocklet, the persistent data of the blocklet will not be automatically cleared.

You can clear all data of the blocklet through blocklet dev clear

If you hang the blocklet in an application, you can clear the data through blocklet dev clear --app-did <app-did>

Get configuration#

After the blocklet is started, the current running environment and configuration of the Blocklet can be obtained through the Blocklet SDK

Get the running environment: see Blocklet SDK: Environment

Get configuration: see Blocklet SDK: Config

Declare configuration#

Declare the configuration in blocklet.yml:

- name: KEY_1
description: 'description for KEY_1'
default: ''
required: false
secure: false
shared: true
  • name: variable name
  • description: variable description
  • default: default value
  • required: Is it required?
  • shared: whether visible to clients and components
  • secure: Environment variables with secure set to true will be stored encrypted and will not be visible to clients and components.

When developing a blocklet, you can also set environment variables in a .env or .env.development file in the project root directory

Note: Only environment variables declared in blocklet.yml can be set in .env or .env.development


# .env

After blocklet is installed, users can configure environment variables in the blocklet management panel.

Get the blocklet running environment on the page#

You can obtain the blocklet running environment by requesting the __blocklet__.js interface of the blocklet.

The blocklet project created through Create Blocklet provides an out-of-the-box environment. You can obtain the running environment through window.blocklet
// App DID

// App version

// Application Name

// Application description

// Application Url

// Shared environment variables
window.blocklet.<shared env>

Blocklet Scripts#

Blocklet Server provides hook functions to do some things during the execution life cycle. Currently it includes pre-install, post-install, pre-start, post-start, pre-stop, pre-uninstall, pre-config Hooks.

See blocklet.yml: Scripts

Run scripts in a blocklet environment#

When developing blocklets, sometimes we want to execute scripts in the blocklet environment (such as creating some test data).

This can be achieved by executing blocklet exec, such as

blocklet exec mock/test.js

// mock/test.js

const { env } = require('@blocklet/sdk');
const { getWallet } = require('@blocklet/sdk');


Communication between Blocklet components#

Use the Blocklet SDK to communicate with other blocklets in your app

const { component } = require('@blocklet/sdk');

(async () => {
await, path, data);

How to migrate during upgrade#

When the data structure of the blocklet's persistent storage is incompatible with changes, we can use the migration script to complete automatic data migration.


Create a migration directory under the blocklet root directory

Create a migration file in the migration directory with the file name semver version, such as 1.0.1.js


There are 3 files 1.0.0.js, 1.0.1.js, 1.1.0.js in the migration directory

When the blocklet is upgraded from 1.0.0 to 1.2.0, the two migration scripts 1.0.1.js and 1.1.0.js will be executed.

Warning: The migration folder needs to be added to the files field in the blocklet.yml file as follows:

- ...
- migration