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2023-09-07 07:18
· edited


Bloklet DID represents the Bundle ID after the Blocklet is packaged, specified by name and did.

name: example
did: z8iZrkWYbi3JU3AP9NHJQbBUdrgiRbeorauqf

name is a human readable ID, did is derived from name. Unique name derives unique did.

In general, did should not be modified manually, name and did should be automatically generated when the project is initialized via create-blocklet.

The same DID represents the same Bloklet when uploaded to the Blocklet Store.

When installing a Blocklet to the Blocklet Server, the same DID represents the same Bloklet.

Define Blocklet name please use title, do not use name

name follows the NPM Package Name specification

  • blocklet name length should be greater than zero
  • all the characters in the blocklet name must be lowercase i.e., no uppercase or mixed case names are allowed
  • blocklet name can consist of hyphens
  • blocklet name must not contain any non-url-safe characters (since name ends up being part of a URL)
  • blocklet name should not start with . or \_
  • blocklet name should not contain any spaces
  • blocklet name should not contain any of the following characters: ~)('!\*
  • blocklet name length cannot exceed 214


version follows the semver version specification

version: 1.0.0


title: Example Demo
description: Demo blocklet that shows how to configure Blocklet Meta`
name: Bob
url: ''
- name: Alice
url: ''
- name: Zhangsan
url: ''
community: ''
documentation: ''
homepage: ''
license: MIT
- demo
- example
- blocklet
type: git
url: 'git+'

App logo file

logo: logo.png


The screenshots will be displayed on the introduction page of the store

- 0.png
- 1.png
- 2.png


Blocklet price

  • price: Specify the token address and quantity
  • shared: How the revenue is shared. Usually you don't need to define it yourself, the system will by default distribute Blocklet revenue to developer and store according to 7:3
price: # Only 1 token can be specified
- address: z35n6UoHSi9MED4uaQy6ozFgKPaZj2UKrurBG # token address
value: 8 # price
share: # Usually you don't need to define it yourself
- name: Bob # account alias
address: z1QUDFzp6wKhLFjV4sG1ACY3J3ePcknrviy # Account DID
value: 0.7 # split ratio
- name: Store # Account alias
address: zNKr4EeqcMk4W4TpBYD7MzGj6UEua53vJFx1 # Account DID
value: 0.3 # split ratio

Component price#

Component Price refers to the selling price of the Blocklet when it is combined

  • type:
  • Fixed price: fixed
  • Divide proportionally: percentage
  • value
  • When type is fixed, it refers to the selling price
  • When type is percentage, it refers to the percentage
  • parentPriceRange the price range of the parent component
- parentPriceRange: # The price range of the parent component
- 0
- 10
type: fixed
value: 2 # fixed price
- parentPriceRange:
- 10
- 20
type: percentage
value: 0.2 # divide proportionally
# When parentPriceRange is not specified, it indicates the default division method
- type: fixed
value: 4


Which files need to be packaged into the bundle

- logo.png
- screenshots
- hooks


Blocklet access interface (most of the following configurations do not need to be concerned, just focus on the auth configuration)

- type: web # access interface type
- name: auth # Auth service for this access interface
whoCanAccess: all # Who can access (Can be modified dynamically after app installed)
blockUnauthenticated: false # Whether to automatically intercept unauthenticated requests and jump to the login page (default: false)
blockUnauthorized: false # Whether to automatically intercept unauthorized requests (default: false)
allowSwitchProfile: true # Whether to support switching profiles (default: true)
profileFields: # Information to provide when logging in
- fullName
- email
- avatar
ignoreUrls: # Which urls allow public access
- /public/** # every urls unser /public allow public access
- /api/xxx # /api/xxx allows access
protocol: http # access interface type
name: publicUrl # usually does not need to be modified
port: BLOCKLET_PORT # Environment variable for receiving port (port number is generated by Blocklet Server)
path: / # Default prefix when Bloclet receives requests
prefix: '*' # Blocklet is mounted prefix


Blocklet runtime environment variables are defined with environments:

- name: key # variable name
description: xxxx # variable description
default: '' # default value
required: false # Is it required
secure: false # Whether it is sensitive information
shared: true # Is it public. Defaults to true, shared must be false when secure is true

Following rules applies to environments:

  • They can have default values
  • They can be changed in blocklet dashboard and during blocklet launch process.
  • Shared environment variables are merged in blocklet composition
  • Variable names can not start with ABT_NODE_ or BLOCKLET_ except a few exceptions:
  • BLOCKLET_PASSPORT_COLOR blocklet passport color, can be any valid hex encoded color string
  • BLOCKLET_WALLET_TYPE can be eth or default, if your blocklet works on ethereum, should set this to eth
  • BLOCKLET_APP_LOGO URL or path to the running blocklet instance logo, defaults to blocklet logo


Configuring Blocklet Hook Directives

dev: npm run start # The command actually executed when `blocklet dev` is executed
preInstall: node hooks/pre-install.js # hooks before installation
postInstall: node hooks/post-install.js # hook after installation
preStart: node hooks/pre-start.js # hook before startup
preStop: node hooks/pre-stop.js # hook before stop
preUninstall: node hooks/pre-uninstall.js # Hook before deletion
postStart: node hooks/post-start.js # 启动后的 hook
preConfig: node/hooks/pre-config.js # 配置前的 hook

blocklet lifecycle

Blocklet Server provides hook functionality to do something during the execution life cycle. Currently includes: pre-install, post-install, pre-start, post-start, pre-stop, pre-uninstall, pre-config These Hooks.

For example, a blocklet has hardware requirements for the machine to run on: the memory cannot be less than 1G, and the available disk capacity cannot be less than 500 MB. At this time, you can use the pre-install hook to detect whether the target machine has met the requirements, if so, install it normally, otherwise throw an error message and terminate the installation.

Hooks are actually some shell scripts, and these scripts may refer to files in Blocklets. During the process of packaging Blocklets, the Blocklet Server packaging tool (Blocklet Server CLI) will package the files used by hooks separately. Therefore, developers need to Declare in hookFiles which files are referenced by hooks.


Configure required resources and operating environment constraints

server: '>=1.8.0' # server version constraints
os: '*'
cpu: '*'
nodejs: '*'
fuels: # Fuel needed before starting (token)
endpoint: xxx # The address of the chain
address: xxx # token address
value: xxx # price
reason: xxx # The reason for the need (for example, because the NFT Factory needs to be created before the first boot)

Specify the fuel needed before starting (token)#

endpoint: xxx # The address of the chain
adress: xxx # token address
value: xxx # price
reason: xxx # The reason for the need (for example, because the NFT Factory needs to be created before the first boot)

Specify the minimum Blocklet Server version number#

server: '>=1.8.0' # server version must be greater than or equal to 1.8.0

Specify the minimum Nodejs version number#

nodejs: '>=18.0.0' # Nodejs version must be greater than or equal to 18.0.0


clusterMode: false # Can blocklet be started in cluster mode
component: true # Can blocklet become a component and be composed by other blocklets
didSpace: "optional" # This option is optional and indicates whether the data needs to be stored in the did space or not, the range is: ["optional", "required"]. To learn more, please refer to:
navigation: true # can blocklet inject menu into navigation


Demo: Component Demo

components: # Usually no manual maintenance is required, it can be maintained through `blocklet add/remove`
- name: xxx # Human readable ID (required)
source: # installation source
# install via url
url: xxx
# install via store
store: xxx # store address
name: xxx # Blocklet ID
version: xxx # Blocklet version
mountPoint: /path/to # mount point
title: xxx # name
description: xxx # description

Config Source#

- name: c1
mountPoint: /c1

# source has two types

# 1. url: equivalent to the previous resolved, can be any bundle url, no need to serve in the store, such as
# can serve in a github release, or in a local disk
- file:///Users/wangshijun/Develop/arcblock/nft-store/.blocklet/release/blocklet.json
- name: c2
mountPoint: /c2
# 2. The bundle served in the store can control the version: you can specify the latest version (default) or a fixed version. Later, if necessary, it can support more forms `^x.x.x`, `~x.x.x`, etc.
# Because the store is decentralized, you need to specify the store
name: static-demo # bundle name
version: latest # latest, 1.3.0
- name: c3
mountPoint: /c3
# url can be set to one or more, when the first url is abnormal, it can be downgraded to the following url
- <primary url>
- <redundant url>
- name: c4
mountPoint: /c4
# Store can be set to multiple, when the first store is abnormal, it can be downgraded to the following store
name: static-demo
version: latest
navigation: # navigation information (app map)
- id: xxx # navigation id, must be unique, use javascript varable named rules:
title: xxx name
# link to a url
link: xxx
# link to component
component: xxx # component name or did
section: # where I want to show
- header
- footer
icon: mdi:home # icon


id: xxx
title: xxx
link: xxx


id: xxx
zh: xxx
en: xxx
zh: xxx
en: xxx
- id: a
title: a # appears in the header (default)
- id: c
title: c
section: footer # only in footer
- id: d
title: d
section: # both in header and footer
- header
- footer
- id: e
title: e
section: social # in footer's social media
- id: f
title: f
section: bottom # at the bottom of the footer


- id: a
title: a
icon: mdi:home # iconify style
- id: aa
title: a
icon: 'https://xxx' # url
- id: b
title: b
icon: '/path/to/xxx' # icon serve in app


theme: # theme
background: '#f5f5f5' # background color


background: xxx


header: xxx
footer: xxx
default: xxx
copyright: # Copyright information
owner: xxx # owner
year: 2022 # If not written, take the current year


Specify the Blocklet type through group, and specify the Blocklet startup entry through main

There are three types of Blocklets

Type: Static#

Contains only static resources. At startup, the purely static Blocklet will be hosted by the static resource service built into the Blocklet Server

group: static
main: www # path of static resources, you need to ensure that dist/index.html exists

Type: Dapp#

This type of Blocklet itself contains back-end services (it can also contain static resources at the same time). At startup, the DAPP-type Blocklet will start the service at the port number assigned by the Blocklet Server.

group: dapps
main: index.js # startup file
dev: npm run dev

Type: Gateway#

This type of Blocklet itself will not contain any code and services, it will only compose other Blocklets together

group: gateway


start: 60 # Start timeout. Unit: second. Default time: 1 minute.

Config Services#

The service configuration of Parent blocklet and Component blocklet are independent, not unified.

For the specific configuration method of services, see

Parent blocklet services#

  • Parent blocklet services are configured in in parent blocklet.yml

Component blocklet services#

  • Component blocklet services are configured in in component blocklet.yml
  • When components[].services is configured in parent blocklet.yml, it will be merged with component blocklet.yml

Examples of merger strategies:

parent blocklet.yml:

name: parent-blocklet
- name: publicUrl
type: web
- name: component-blocklet
mountPooint: /path/to/xx
name: s1
name: s2

component blocklet.yml:

name: component-blocklet
- name: publicUrl
type: web
- name: s2
- name: s3

Then the services of component blocklet are:

  • s1 (from parent components[].services)
  • s2 (from parent components[].services)
  • s3 (from component
