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2023-09-07 07:38
· edited

What is blocklet.js?#

  • blocklet.js is used to load blocklet info that can be used in browser environment
  • blocklet.js is an endpoint served by blocklet server
  • blocklet.js is available from any path, you get the same response with following requests:
  • blocklet.js can return info in javascript or json format
  • When requested as javascript, which is the default mode, you can use window.blocklet
  • When requested as json, you must explicitly specify type=json in the query string
  • blocklet.js is adaptive to any blocklet composition, both static and dynamic composition
  • blocklet.js content may change with blocklet composition updates

How is blocklet.js composed?#

The following diagram describes how blocklet.js is created in blocklet server.

How to use blocklet.js?#

To use blocklet.js, you must include the following script tag in your html file before any other script tags:

<script src="__blocklet__.js"></script>

Please <strong className="color-red">do not</strong> add a beginning slash to the script src attribute, since blocklet.js can be loaded form any endpoint.

Then you can access window.blocklet in your javascript code:

The response from is like following:

window.blocklet = {
// basic app info, appName, appDescription, appUrl, appLogo can be configured in blocklet server
appId: 'zNKh7m9JccKmZY8vCSbkdYVoXem5CceAiYD1',
appName: 'Blocklet Developer',
appDescription: 'Blocklet Developer portal and documentation',
appUrl: '',
appLogo: '/.well-known/service/blocklet/logo/',

// whether current blocklet is a component, differs when requesting from different path
isComponent: false,

// the blocklet app version === the version of the root blocklet
version: '0.1.77',
did: 'z8iZrq2YrLLWUz6X77bfFL4wBfZuEfXuj1R2m',

// the blocklet group mountPoint
prefix: '/',
groupPrefix: '/',

webWalletUrl: '',

// the navigation of the composed service
// it's parsed and merged from all components
navigation: [
{ title: { en: 'Guides', zh: '指南' }, link: { en: '/docs/en/', zh: '/docs/zh/' } },
title: { en: 'ToolKit', zh: '工具箱' },
link: '',
items: [
title: 'Blocklet SDK',
link: { en: '/docs/en/reference/blocklet-sdk/', zh: '/docs/zh/reference/blocklet-sdk/' },

// component blocklet mounted in this app
componentMountPoints: [
title: 'Meilisearch',
name: 'meilisearch',
did: 'z8iZorY6mvb5tZrxXTqhBmwu89xjEEazrgT3t', // the component blocklet did
mountPoint: '/meilisearch', // the component path
title: 'Blocklet Developer Docs',
name: 'blocklet-developer-docs',
did: 'z8iZwU5C5Y5SfSqC7LqKAbY9NiqFNjUjcJfPK',
mountPoint: 'docs',

preferences: {
key1: 'value',
key2: 'value2',

Please reference Blocklet Preferences for how to change the structure and value in window.blocklet.preferences.
