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Blocklet SDK (Node.js)

2024-09-18 07:11
· edited

Blocklet SDK for blocklet developer


yarn add @blocklet/sdk


npm install @blocklet/sdk


const { getWallet } = require('@blocklet/sdk');

// wallet is an instance of @ocap/wallet
const wallet = getWallet();
const { address, secretKey, publicKey } = wallet;


Get Client#

const { Auth } = require('@blocklet/sdk');

const client = new Auth();



Get user by user did

  • @param did string
  • @return { code, user }



Get owner of the app

  • @param did string
  • @return { code, user }


Get users of the app

By Default#

client.getUsers({ paging: { page: 2 } });
client.getUsers({ query: { role: 'admin' } });
client.getUsers({ query: { approved: true } });
client.getUsers({ query: { search: 'Bob' } });
client.getUsers({ sort: { updatedAt: -1 } });
  • @param paging Object
  • paging.pageSize
    The value of pageSize cannot exceed 100
  • @param query Object
  • query.role String Match users by role name
    • $none: Match users which does not have a role
  • query.approved Boolean Match users by approved
  • String Match users by did or name
    • Search results by name are fuzzy matches
    • Search results by did are exact matches
  • @param sort Object
    -1: The latest time is at first. 1: The latest time is at last. Default sort is { createdAt: -1 }
    • sort.createdAt Number
    • sort.updatedAt Number
    • sort.lastLoginAt Number
  • @return { code, users, paging }
Paging {
total: number of users
pageSize: number of users per page
pageCount: number of page
page: current page number

By User DID#

client.getUsers({ dids: ['did1', 'did2', ...] });
client.getUsers({ dids: ['did1', 'did2', ...], query: { approved: true } });
  • @param Array<string> dids The user did list
  • > The length of dids cannot exceed 100
  • @param query Object
  • query.approved Boolean Match users by approved
  • @return { code, users }


  • If you don't pass the dids parameter, the API will run by default
  • If you pass in a non-existing DID, the API will not report an error


Enable or disable a user by DID. A disabled user will not login to the blocklet again.

  • @param did string
  • @param approved boolean
  • @return { code, user }
client.updateUserApproval(did, true); // enable the user
client.updateUserApproval(did, false); // disable the user



Get all permissions of a role

  • @param role string
  • @return { code, permissions }



Get all roles of the app

  • @return { code, roles }


client.createRole({ name, title, description })

  • @param name string the key of the role, should be unique
  • @param title string
  • @param description string
  • @return { code, role }


client.updateRole(name, { title, description })

  • @param name string the key of the role
  • @param title string
  • @param description string
  • @return { code, role }


client.deleteRole(name, { title, description })

  • @param name string the key of the role
  • @return { code }


client.issuePassportToUser({ userDid, role })

  • @param userDid string
  • @param role string the key of the role. e.g. owner, admin, member
  • @return { code, user }


client.enableUserPassport({ userDid, passportId })

set passport status to valid

  • @param userDid string
  • @param passportId string passportId (get from user.passports)
  • @return { code, user }


client.revokeUserPassport({ userDid, passportId })

set passport status to revoked

  • @param userDid string
  • @param passportId string passportId (get from user.passports)
  • @return { code, user }


client.grantPermissionForRole(role, permission)

  • @param role string the name of the role
  • @param permission string the name of the permission
  • @return { code }


client.revokePermissionFromRole(role, permission)

  • @param role string the name of the role
  • @param permission string the name of the permission
  • @return { code }


client.updatePermissionsForRole(role, permissions)

Full update permissions of a role

  • @param role string the name of the role
  • @param permissions array<string> name of the permissions
  • @return { code, role }


client.hasPermission(role, permission)

  • @param role string the name of the role
  • @param permission string the name of the permission
  • @return { code, result }
  • result boolean



Get all permissions of the app

  • @return { code, permissions }


client.createPermission({ name, title, description })

  • @param name Permission the key of the permission, should be unique
  • format: <action>_<resource>. e.g. query_article, mutate_user
  • @param description string
  • @return { code, role }


client.updatePermission(name, { title, description })

  • @param name string the key of the role
  • @param title string
  • @param description string
  • @return { code }


client.deletePermission(name, { title, description })

  • @param name string the key of the permission
  • @return { code }


client.login({ provider, did, pk, avatar, email, fullName, id, locale })

  • @return { user, token, refreshToken }


client.refreshSession({ refreshToken })

  • @param refreshToken string the refresh token
  • @return { user, token, refreshToken }


const { Notification } = require('@blocklet/sdk');


Notification.sendToUser(receiver, notification)

Send notification to an account

const userDid = 'xxxxxxxx';

const notification = {
title: 'xxx',
body: 'xxx',
attachments: [
type: 'asset',
data: {
did: 'xxx',
chainHost: 'https://chainhost',
actions: [
name: 'xxx',
title: 'Go To Website',
link: '',

const content = { message: 'this is a message' };
const actions = [];

await Notification.sendToUser(userDid, notification);

await Notification.sendToUser(userDid, [notification, anotherNotification]);
await Notification.sendToUser([userDid, anotherUserDid], notification);
await Notification.sendToUser([userDid, anotherUserDid], [notification, anotherNotification]);
  • notification Notification
  • receiver string | array<string> required


Notification.broadcast(notification, options)

Broadcast notification to a channel

const notification = {
title: 'xxx',
body: 'xxx',

await Notification.broadcast(notification);
await Notification.broadcast(notification, { socketDid: 'did' });
  • notification Notification
  • options
  • socketDid: String send notification to a specific socket by socketDid
  • socketId: String send notification to a specific socket by socketId
  • channel: String send notification to which channel (Default: app public channel)
  • event: String send notification to which event (Default: 'message')

Notification Type#

  • notification object | array<object> required
  • notification.title string
  • notification.body string
  • notification.attachments array<object>
    • attachment.type enum 'asset', 'vc', 'token' required
    • object
    • type: text
      • type string
      • message string
    • type: asset
      • did string
      • chainHost string uri
    • type: vc
      • credential object
      • tag string
    • type: token
      • address string did
      • amount string
      • symbol string
      • senderDid string
      • chainHost string
      • decimal integer
  • notification.actions array<object>
    • name string required
    • title string
    • color string
    • bgColor string
    • link string uri



Listen for system notification

Notification.on('hi', () => {});


Cancel listening for system messages

const handler = () => {};

Notification.on('hi', handler);'hi', handler);

System Events#


When the client joins the app public channel

Notification.on('hi', ({ sender: { socketId, did } }) => {});
  • sender object
  • sender.socketId string
  • sender.did string

DID Connect#

import AuthStorage from '@arcblock/did-auth-storage-nedb';
import { WalletAuthenticator, WalletHandlers } from '@blocklet/sdk';

const authenticator = new WalletAuthenticator();

const handlers = new WalletHandlers({
tokenGenerator: () =>,
tokenStorage: new AuthStorage({
dbPath: path.join(process.env.BLOCKLET_DATA_DIR, 'auth.db'),
onload: (err) => {
if (err) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console.error(`Failed to load database from ${path.join(process.env.BLOCKLET_DATA_DIR, 'auth.db')}`, err);


A database library for develop blocklet, it's a wrapper of nedb.
Supply a simpler way to use nedb. Just use new Database([dbName]), or you can pass a object option as second parameter to create a database as origin nedb way new Database([dbName], [options])

Supply full-promise and typescript support.

import { Database } from '@blocklet/sdk';

// Getting Started
(async () => {
const db = new Database('demo.db');
const inserted = await db.insert({ key: 'value' });
const docs = await db.find({});
const paginated = await db.cursor({}).skip(1).limit(10).exec();

// Extend with class
(async () => {
class MyDatabase extends Database {
async extraFn() {
return 'extra';
const db = new MyDatabase('demo.db');
const inserted = await db.insert({ key: 'value' });
const docs = await db.find({});
const paginated = await db.cursor({}).skip(1).limit(10).exec();
const extra = await db.extraFn();


import { env } from '@blocklet/sdk';

const {
appId, // the did of the app
appPid, // the permenant did of the app
appIds, // all did's that the application has previously used
appName, // the title of the app, used to display to user
appDescription, // the description of the app
appUrl, // the web url of the app
appStorageEndpoint // the endpoint of the DID Spaces of the app
componentDid, // the did of the blocklet
dataDir, // the data dir of the blocklet
cacheDir, // the cache dir of the blocklet
mode, // in which mode the blocklet is running
serverVersion: // the version of the server where the app is running
preferences, // blocklet preferences. default: {}
} = env;

Please reference Blocklet Preferences for how to change the structure and value in env.preferences.


In which mode the blocklet is running

env.mode === 'development'; // The blocklet is running in the development mode
env.mode === 'production'; // The blocklet is running in the production mode


Unlike Environment, the information in Config will be updated in real time, the application does not need to be restarted, and events will be thrown when updating

import { env, components, events, Events } from '@blocklet/sdk/lib/config'
  • env same as env in Environment
  • appId the did of the app
  • appPid the permenant did of the app
  • appIds all did's that the application has previously used
  • appName the title of the app, used to display to user
  • appDescription the description of the app
  • appUrl the web url of the app
  • appStorageEndpoint the endpoint of the DID Spaces of the app
  • componentDid 组件 DID
  • dataDir the data dir of the blocklet
  • cacheDir the cache dir of the blocklet
  • mode in which mode the blocklet is running
  • serverVersion the version of the server where the app is running
  • preferences blocklet preferences. default: {}
  • components Array\<object\>
  • title component title
  • did component did
  • name component name
  • version component version
  • mountPoint e.g. '/', '/blog'
  • status import(@blocklet/constant).BlockletStatus
  • port e.g. 5678
  • webEndpoint e.g.
  • resources Array<string> component resource path
events.on(Events.componentAdded, (components) => {});
events.on(Events.componentRemoved, (components) => {});
events.on(Events.componentStarted, (components) => {});
events.on(Events.componentStopped, (components) => {});
events.on(Events.componentUpdated, (components) => {});

events.on(Events.envUpdate, (envs: {key: string; value: string}[]) => {});


import { Component } from '@blocklet/sdk';



Get endpoint of component of app

  • @param name string the name or title or did of the component bundle

If the blocklet.yml of component is

did: did1
name: demo-blocklet
title: Demo Blocklet

the blocklet should use like this:

Component.getComponentWebEndpoint('Demo Blocklet')



Get mount point of component of app

  • @param name string the name or title or did of the component bundle

If the blocklet.yml of component is

did: did1
name: demo-blocklet
title: Demo Blocklet

the blocklet should use like this:

Component.getComponentMountPoint('Demo Blocklet')
  • @return mount point of the first-level component. e.g. /abc


Communicate with component component safely{ name, path, data })

  • @param name string the name or title or did of the component bundle
  • @param path string the http api. e.g. /api/xxx
  • @param data object the payload
  • @param method object http method
  • @param responseType undefined | 'stream' response type
  • @return object the response of axios



import { Component, middlewares } from '@blocklet/sdk';

const app = express();

// You should use verifySig middleware to prevent unknown request

(req, res) => {
// req.body is { msg: "ping from component-2" } if the request is from component-2

res.json({ msg: 'pong from component-1' });

// data: { msg: 'pong from component-2' }
const { data } = await{
name: 'component-1',
path: '/api/component-2',
data: { msg: 'ping from component-1' },


const app = express();

// You should use verifySig middleware to prevent unknown request

(req, res) => {
// req.body is { msg: "ping from component-1" } if the request is from component-1

res.json({ msg: 'pong from component-2' });

// data: { msg: 'pong from component-1' }
const { data } = await{
path: '/api/component-1',
data: 'ping from component-2',



import express from 'express';
import { middlewares } from '@blocklet/sdk';

const app = express();

/* Once user is verified, req.user will be like
export type SessionUser = {
did: string;
role: string | undefined; // will be `component` when authenticated with componentCall or signedToken
provider: string;
fullName: string;
walletOS: string; // will be `embed` when authenticated with componentCall or signedToken
emailVerified: boolean; // will always be false when authenticated with componentCall or signedToken
phoneVerified: boolean; // will always be false when authenticated with componentCall or signedToken
kyc?: number;
method: 'loginToken' | 'componentCall' | 'signedToken';
[key: string]: any;
}; */

app.use(middlewares.session({ loginToken: true })); // only decode user from loginToken
app.use(middlewares.session({ componentCall: true }); // decode user from loginToken and componentCall
app.use(middlewares.session({ signedToken: true }); // decode user for short lived and signed jwt token


import express from 'express';
import { middlewares } from '@blocklet/sdk';

const app = express();

app.get('/auth1', middlewares.auth(), (req, res) => {
// will return 401 if user is not connected

app.get('/auth2', middlewares.auth({ roles: ['admin', 'owner'] }), (req, res) => {
// will return 401 if user is not connected
// will return 403 if user role is neither owner nor admin

app.get('/auth3', middlewares.auth({ permissions: ['mutate_data', 'query_data'] }), (req, res) => {
// will return 401 if user is not connected
// will return 403 if neither 'mutate_data' nor 'query data' in user permissions

middlewares.auth({ roles: ['admin', 'owner'], permissions: ['mutate_data', 'query_data'] }),
(req, res) => {
// will return 401 if user is not connected
// will return 403 if user role is neither owner nor admin
// will return 403 if neither 'mutate_data' nor 'query data' in user permissions

app.get('/auth5', middlewares.auth({ kyc: ['email'] }), (req, res) => {
// will return 401 if user email is not verified

app.get('/auth6', middlewares.auth({ methods: ['componentCall'] }), (req, res) => {
// will return 401 if user is not authenticated with componentCall


import express from 'express';
import { middlewares } from '@blocklet/sdk';

const app = express();

app.get('/', middlewares.user(), (req, res) => {
const { did, fullName, role } = req.user;

Secure communication between components#

import express from 'express';
import { middlewares } from '@blocklet/sdk';

const app = express();'/component-private-api', middlewares.component.verifySig, (req, res) => {
// will return 400 if sig not found in req
// will return 401 if verify sig failed


When blocklet needs to encrypt and decrypt sensitive information, the security module comes to help:

const assert = require('assert');
const { Security } = require('@blocklet/sdk');

const message = 'some sensitive info';
const encrypted = Security.encrypt(message);
const decrypted = Security.decrypt(encrypted);
assert.notEqual(encrypted, message);
assert.notEqual(encrypted, decrypted);
assert.equal(decrypted, message);
