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Blocklet CLI

2024-01-17 05:08
· edited

Blocklet CLI provides blocklet command-line tool for controlling and administering Blocklets. Use the following syntax to run blocklet commands from your terminal:

$ blocklet [options] [command]

You can use the -h or --help to determine the full list of supported commands.


Shows the current Blocklet CLI version.

$ blocklet -V

Create Blocklet Project#

Bootstraps an Blocklet project. The command use create-blocklet to generate a project.

$ blocklet create

Development a blocklet#


Develop blocklet from current directory

$ blocklet dev

ℹ Try to dev blocklet from xxxxxxxx

ℹ Node DID from config xxxxxx
ℹ Node config from xxxxxx
✔ Installing blocklet-developer-docs@0.1.0... Done in 0.31s
✔ Blocklet blocklet-developer-docs@0.1.0 was successfully installed


✔ Blocklet blocklet-developer-docs@0.1.0 was successfully started

ℹ You can access with the following URL


Open the browser after blocklet had been started

$ blocklet dev --open

Develop blocklet as a component

$ blocklet dev --app-id <blocklet-app-id> --mount-point /xxx
  • blocklet-app-id can be viewed in the blocklet details page
  • mount-point the mount point of the component

Exec script#

Execute script in blocklet running context

$ blocklet exec <script>


This is an informational command which prints meta information for a Blocklet.

$ blocklet meta

Manage components in blocklet.yml#


Add component to blocklet.yml

$ blocklet add <name> --store <store> --title <title> --mount-point <mount-point>
  • name: the id of the component in the store
  • --store: which store the component is in
  • --title: you can customize different names for components
  • --mount-point: the mount point of the component. If you fill in '/my-prefix', then all requests prefixed with it will be forwarded to the configured component

You can see the command to add a component in the component details page of any store. For example, if you want to add DID Comments, you can go to its details page Find the command blocklet add did-comments --store=


Remove component from blocklet.yml

$ blocklet remove <name>

Config Blocklet CLI#


Manage the configuration for Blocklet CLI

$ blocklet config set [key] [value] # Set config value
$ blocklet config get [key] # Get config value
$ blocklet config delete [key] # Delete config value
$ blocklet config list # List config value

你可为配置项设置不同的 profile

$ blocklet config set key value # set key in default profile
$ blocklet config set key value1 --profile profile1 # set key in profile1
$ blocklet config set key value2 --profile profile2 # set key in profile2

$ blocklet config get key # get key in default prifle
$ blocklet config get key --profile profile1 # get key in default prifle1
$ blocklet config get key --profile profile2 # get key in default prifle2


Connect to blocklet store. This command will set store configuration by blocklet config

$ blocklet connect <store-url>

Set store configuration to specific profile

$ blocklet connect <store-url> --profile <profile>

After executing the command, the component information will be removed from blocklet.yml.

Build and Publish your blocklet#

Update Version#

Bumps up the Blocklet version for next changes.

$ blocklet version 1.1.0
✔ Blocklet version bumped to 1.1.0


Packages the Blocklet. See the detail in Blocklet Bundle

$ blocklet bundle

ℹ Bundling in webpack mode for blocklet b1...

✔ Creating blocklet bundle in .blocklet/bundle... Done in 0.013s
✔ Blocklet b1@1.0.0 was successfully bundled!


Deploys a blocklet from the local folder to remote Blocklet Server.

$ blocklet deploy <blocklet-bundle-folder> --endpoint xxxxxx --access-key xxxxxx --access-secret xxxxxx

blocklet-bundle-folder: The directory built using blocklet bundle If you are currently in the project root directory, it is ./blocklet/bundle.

  • --endpoint: The address of the server, ending with /admin. For example, the address of your local Blocklet Server is
  • --access-key: Access Key created in Blocklet Server
  • --access-secret: Access Secret created in Blocklet Server

Deploys a blocklet from the local folder to local Blocklet Server.

$ blocklet deploy <blocklet-bundle-folder>

Deploys a component from the local folder to Blocklet Server.

$ blocklet deploy <blocklet-bundle-folder> --endpoint xxxxxx --access-key xxxxxx --access-secret xxxxxx --app-id <blocklet-app-id> --mount-point /xxx`
  • --app-id: 应用的 AppID, 可在 blocklet 详情页中查看
  • --mount-point: 组件的挂载点

Add component to navigation when component is deployed

Components are not automatically added to the navigation when they are deployed via blocklet deploy. You can add the --navigation parameter to add component to the navigation.

$ blocklet deploy <blocklet-bundle-folder> --app-id xxx --navigation

Upload to Store#

Upload the blocklet release to store. See the detail in Publish Blocklet

$ blocklet upload [options] [metafile]


The help command is useful to determine information for a particular command. Optionally you can also pass the -h option to the sub-command for the same purpose.

$ blocklet help meta
Usage: blocklet meta [options]

Print blocklet meta from a directory

-h, --help display help for command
