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Send first transaction

ABT Network
2024-01-06 02:29
· edited

In this tutorial you will learn how to connect to a running chain and send your first transaction.

Setup Project#

Run following commands to setup a project:

mkdir -p /tmp/arcblock/chain && cd /tmp/arcblock/chain
npm init -y
npm install @ocap/client @ocap/wallet -S

Connect to Test Chain#

Then let's create a list.js file under /tmp/arcblock/chain:

const Client = require("@ocap/client");

// Init client with test chain endpoint
const client = new Client("");

// Query latest transactions on test chain
client.listTransactions().then((data) => console.log(data.transactions));

Then run the script with node list.js, output will be similar with following:

code: 'OK',
hash: '088E573D87CD2831D283DBF9BFBC744ED95A6DC953ED867D6F50E43A455C3BD9',
receiver: 'z1eoWWAhtb2Y2ZLB5D2Pbgb1kEgKyURvtt1',
sender: 'zNKeLKixvCM32TkVM1zmRDdAU3bvm3dTtAcM',
time: '2022-09-20T08:46:04.671Z',
type: 'transfer_v2',
tx: {
chainId: 'beta',
delegator: '',
from: 'zNKeLKixvCM32TkVM1zmRDdAU3bvm3dTtAcM',
itxJson: [Object],
nonce: '1663663564596',
pk: '6xbpBn_ND9DB8YTgF7AV67Lsy8ZbAutmPQLpXlRJ6K8',
receiver: null,
sender: null,
serviceFee: '0',
signature: '95U8cKN2TZM-waRaEjA5CwHKv60VHxiDfvJPt4n8_Q2526BoQoI4kkw5272P1LZ-_5o5Qvgs0CN_Zc1A3TMNCQ',
signatures: []

Create Wallet#

In order to send transactions to the chain, we need create a wallet first, create a wallet.js file under /tmp/arcblock/chain:

const { fromRandom } = require("@ocap/wallet");

// Create wallet from random key-pair
const wallet = fromRandom();

Then run the script with node wallet.js, output will be similar with following:

type: { role: 0, pk: 0, hash: 1, address: 1 },
secretKey: '0x18625b160eed695dc4ce0e77b334c0041fcecc9149198ec3791c1f173440607fc----truncated-text----',
publicKey: '0xcdde351726ef6bf8486a558d90d6588975eb07428a9c04acf55d7e439a4f63c7',
address: 'z1ivznhRWTgZaZkS2ZhwxgDVaYxV8qadxK9',
hash: [Function: hash],
sign: [Function: sign],
verify: [Function: verify],
ethHash: [Function: ethHash],
ethSign: [Function: ethSign],
ethVerify: [Function: ethVerify],
toAddress: [Function: toAddress],
toJSON: [Function: toJSON]

Send Transaction#

Now let's put things together by sending a transaction to the test chain, create a tx.js file under /tmp/arcblock/chain:

const Client = require("@ocap/client");
const { fromRandom } = require("@ocap/wallet");

const wallet = fromRandom();
const client = new Client("");

(async () => {
// Create account on the chain that can own token and NFTs
const hash = await client.declare({ moniker: "hello-chain", wallet });
const result = await client.getTx({ hash });


Then run the script with node tx.js, upon success you will see following output:

code: 'OK',
info: {
code: 'OK',
hash: '8F8732038C397A5B5A0578728298CF1AA629616F6F48376DA98D69386295BAFC',
height: '0',
index: 0,
receiver: '',
sender: '',
time: '2022-09-20T08:59:01.281Z',
receipts: [],
tags: null,
tx: {
chainId: 'beta',
delegator: '',
from: 'z1TPn5rYHyxwbyphJ8ZoJECyVhy9tDDyEJU',
itxJson: [Object],
nonce: '1663664340951',
pk: 'ZibFto8AEQHjOCk-EulgeZ6Liue7mxfyUikRrS16pZs',
receiver: null,
sender: null,
serviceFee: '0',
signature: 'HAcfobpWist6eYrUAJ83N8W-gEktJcWy7YrZ0Mg9jojgl-W0h2ESKDFB2Ii7-U0-fu4A9dkHJX6zuyfjfHkqCg',
signatures: []

The 8F8732038C397A5B5A0578728298CF1AA629616F6F48376DA98D69386295BAFC is the transaction hash returned by the chain.

You can inspect the transaction on beta chain explorer
