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ArcBlock 每周研发进展(4 月 30 日)

2021年4月30日 · edited
2021 年 4 月 17 日至 4 月 30 日,ArcBlock 工程团队研发进展如下:

ABT 节点#

release 1.3.2 on April 30

  • Core
  • fix: queue not working as expected when "maxRetries" set to 0
  • feat: display price for paid blocklet on marketplace detail
  • fix: marketplace detail page error caused by meta verify logic
  • fix: add signatures and lastPublishedAt into blocklet schema
  • fix: more robust blocklet meta verification process
  • fix: responsive support for all core workflow pages/popups
  • CLI
  • fix: blocklet dev is broken
  • fix: only stop running blocklets when abtnode stop
  • Service
  • feat: design and implement the event-bus module: ongoing
  • feat: design and implement the purpose pub-sub service: ongoing
  • DevOps
  • fix: "lerna version" should bump to exact version
  • fix: enforce branch workflow: only release pr can submit against master


  • ABT Node Launcher
  • fix: more robust instance creating process
  • feat: support stop/start node directly from NFT
  • feat: working on efficient resource management for expired instances: ongoing
  • NFT Store
  • feat: support pagination on home page, detail page and order history
  • Blocklet Registry
  • fix: should return token symbol within blocklet meta to abtnode
  • feat: adaptive to requests from abt-node to eliminate release blocking issue
  • OCAP Playground
  • fix: verify node ownership nft test case


  • Asset Chain (4 patch release)
  • feat: support max pagination size up to 100 for listX api
  • feat: support tx receipts in transaction state and index
  • chore: update data migration scripts to generate tx receipts
  • feat: support cluster mode for chain blocklets: ready for load testing
  • feat: support sorting by name/numMinted for listFactories api

ABT 钱包#

  • iOS Wallet
  • chore: bug bash and release 2.8.0
  • chore: cleanup the codebase for v3.0
  • feat: start working on v3.0, ongoing
  • Android Wallet
  • chore: cleanup the codebase for v3.0
  • feat: start working on v3.0, ongoing
  • Web Wallet
  • chore: release 0.3.4
  • chore: publish to official registry for private hosting
  • chore: start working on v3.0, ongoing


  • Production Nodes: production nodes upgraded to latest ABT Node
  • Bake ABT Node AMI for latest release v1.3.1