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Recap: Story of ArcBlock, New Product Preview, Our Strategy

Nov 2, 2023 · edited

The livestream on October 31st is the first official activity of our planned weekly live broadcasts. Prior to this, we also conducted two experimental livestream, but this is the first one with a formal scheduled agenda. Since it is still the first time for such a livestream, the pace and some aspects of the audio were not well organized, but we will continue to learn and improve. If you are interested, you can watch the replay below.

After each livestream, we will provide a brief summary of the main points mentioned during the event, so you don't have to replay the hour long program. Here are some highlights from the livestream:

The Story of ArcBlock#

October 30th is the day when the name ArcBlock was born, 6 years ago we gave ourselves the name 'ArcBlock' (Blocklet was also created at that time). Now ArcBlock and Blocklet are both our registered trademarks. In the live stream, I told the story of the origin of ArcBlock, the birth of the name, and some stories of its development. If you are interested, you can hear more details in the video.

Anyone who interested in the story of how the name ArcBlock came to be can visit my personal website to read the story, it includes some photos taken at that time and the vivid scenes from that period. In the article, you can also see the first version of the ArcBlock logo and our initial system architecture.

Preview: New product AIGNE and AI training course#

We will briefly introduce our recently developed products on the live stream every week, which will be a part of our each LiveStream.

We made our first public appearance for the preview of the AIGNE product line. In fact, AIGNE is a continuation and upgrade of the AI Kit product series that we launched earlier this year. It is also a new AI business opportunity that we discovered from the needs and practices of several AI applications built on AI Kit.

AIGNE This name combines "AI" and "Engine", but it also has its own special meaning. AIGNE means "Mind, Spirit" in Irish, and it is also a place name in the south of France. We feel that whether it is its inherent meaning or what we want to express, it is very appropriate.

The goal of AIGNE is to make developing AI applications based on large language models (LLMs) extremely simple and easy. Developers only need to focus on the prompt of the large language model, without worrying about other details, to quickly complete the construction from prompt to complete application. Such positioning is still unique in the current market.


This is just a quick preview. When we reach the public beta testing phase, everyone can experience it for themselves. At the same time, we will provide complete documentation and accompanying training courses. Our goal is to enable more people to use AI tools for development. The opportunities brought by AI will allow more people to develop amazing applications without writing code, and this is one of the goals of our ArcBlock platform.

Preview: Payment Kit#

Our another important product under development is Payment Kit Blocklet. It is a reusable component that focus on the payment. With it, anyone can easily charge for the products or services they offer.

This is a powerful payment module that supports various crypto payments (including ABT, ETH on Ethereum, any ERC20 token, Bitcoin Lightning Network, etc.) and traditional credit card payment methods. Like any ArcBlock Blocklet, this is a decentralized implementation. We only build this component and infrastructure, we are not the operator or intermediary, it is completely independent and decentralized.


Our strategy: Do things that don't scale#

In this livestream, I also introduced our market strategy. We will start from seemingly non-scalable small things instead of following the grand "narrative" mode or internet celebrity promotion mode. Regarding this strategy and viewpoint, some friends expressed interest and wanted to learn more after the livestream. I elaborated on them on my personal blog.

In the live broadcast, I also revealed a principle for the development of our products and technologies. We want to ensure that our products can provide complete user experiences, rather than partial and incomplete experiences. Therefore, when we develop products, we will make sure to fill in any gaps that we find. If there are third-party solutions or industry standards, we will adhere to the standards and attempt to collaborate with third parties. If there are no ready-made solutions, or if the existing solutions do not provide satisfactory user experiences, then we will develop parts that meet our experiential requirements ourselves, without compromise.

Next week's live broadcast notice: AI and astrology.#

The next live broadcast is scheduled for November 10th, Friday, at 6 PM Pacific Time, which corresponds to 9 PM Eastern Time in the United States and 9 AM in China. In the next episode, we will organize a discussion and invite several guests, including an astrologer and Aistro, our newly supported voice version of AI astrologer, to talk about the development of artificial intelligence and its role in the ancient and mysterious field of astrology. I believe this will be a very interesting topic.
