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Arcblock Token (ABT) are now live on Coinbase

Jul 22, 2022 · edited

Arcblock Token (ABT) are now live on Coinbase. Coinbase Pro and Coinbase are among the most respected exchanges in the world. When a token is listed on Coinbase it’s a stamp of legitimacy that most cryptocurrencies never achieve.

Coinbase ABT

About ArcBlock Token (ABT)#

ArcBlock Token (ABT) is a utility token used in the ArcBlock ecosystem as a medium of exchange for resources, e.g. computing, storage, network usage, protocol fee, software license, and other digital assets etc. ArcBlock platform started providing its first production services (GraphQL based query interface for Bitcoin & Ethereum data Indexer) in 2018 and has continuously evolved to a full feature decentralized application platform until today.

ArcBlock Token (ABT) is the native blockchain token on ABT Network, ArcBlock’s blockchain network, which acts as a Billing & Operating Support System for the new generation decentralized cloud. It also has an interchangeable ERC20 version on Ethereum designed specifically for application in the Ethereum ecosystem. The native ABT token and ERC20 ABT tokens are 1:1 interchangeable via ArcBridge, a cross-chain bridge connecting ABT Network and Ethereum.

Disclaimer: ArcBlock Token (ABT) is NOT created as an investment opportunity, neither a store of value, in any meaningful way. Users should only use ABT when they plan to use, develop or deploy applications on the ArcBlock platform or take advantage of ArcBlock’s framework and tools.

About Coinbase#

Coinbase is a secure online platform for buying, selling, transferring, and storing digital currency. The mission is to create an open financial system for the world and to be the leading global brand for helping people convert digital currency into and out of their local currency.

Coinbase is the U.S.’s largest cryptocurrency exchange as of today.
