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NFT Marketplace Releases Version 0.6.0

Jul 15, 2021 · edited

By:Han Zhang (ArcBlock Engineer)

NFT Marketplace was officially released on June 19, ArcBlock DevCon 2021, with a lot of user participation, active bidding and suggestions for improvement. After several days of rapid iteration, NFT Marketplace version 0.6.0 was officially released today.

NFT Marketplace in version 0.6.0 includes the following important new features.

  • Smoother process for posting and editing bids
  • Richer search criteria
  • Better sharing features
  • Numerous detail optimizations

Smoother process for posting and editing auctions#

NFT Marketplace version 0.6.0 adds the "More Settings" option to the existing one, and after expanding "More Settings", you can enter a minimum amount of bids, which will limit malicious bids with very small amounts. This will limit malicious bidding and create a good bidding environment.

It also supports users to tag their own bids. By choosing tags wisely, other users will be able to find your bids more quickly and accurately, thus greatly increasing the chance of a sale.

Richer search criteria#

NFT Marketplace now supports up to three tags for bids at the time of posting and editing, and once an item has those tags, it can be searched for on the front page using those tags.

NFT Marketplace now also supports a richer set of sorting criteria, allowing you to quickly find the item you want by sorting by different criteria.

Better sharing features#

Every auction item can now be shared via a link or image! Click the share icon directly to the right of the bid button to choose whether to copy the link or save the image.

If you are using DID Wallet for Android (IOS version is on the way), you can also share directly from the system's sharing function.

Numerous detail optimizations#

  • Better looking user cards

  • Bigger NFT details display

  • Spacing between multiple notifications
  • Optimize the display of each page under mobile
  • Fixed the accuracy problem of decimal point calculation
  • Optimized the content of notifications received by the wallet

Come to NFT Marketplace to participate in the auction!
