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ArcBlock Releases ABT Node Version 1.4.0

Jul 15, 2021 · edited

By: Chen Lin (ArcBlock Engineer)

After more than two months of polishing, 322 commits and 19 minor iterations, ABT Node version 1.4.0 was officially released on July 14, 2021.

To try out the latest version, you can run npm install -g @abtnode/cli to get it.

The several important new features included in ABT Node version 1.4.0 are as follows:

  • Pass: Access decentralized applications using pass NFT
  • Notification Service: Support for Blocklet to send real-time messages to wallets
  • UI Optimization: Significantly optimized Dashboard UI

Before diving into detail about the two new features above, the role of each component covered in this article is explained by analogy.

  • ABT Node: It is like a mobile phone owned by each person, ABT Node has Blocklet installed inside it, and each person's phone belongs to him/her only, and the owner of the ABT Node has full control over his/her data
  • Blocklet: Like an application installed in each phone, based on the DID user authentication and blockchain payment services provided by ABT Node, developers can build powerful but decentralized applications
  • DID Wallet: Decentralized software that helps users manage their digital identity and digital assets. Digital assets here include passes, NFTs (tickets, vouchers, certificates, crypto artworks)

Pass: Access decentralized applications using pass NFTs#

In the real world, we use various documents to identify ourselves and thus access various places, matters and services. We use our passports to enter and exit countries, we use our employee cards to enter and exit office buildings and conference rooms, and students use their student IDs to access services at a discount.

In the virtual world of decentralization, ABT Node also supports the use of "pass NFT", which is similar to a badge, to access decentralized applications and decentralized organizations (DAOs).

After receiving a pass, the pass is stored in our own wallet and is entirely our own.

  • Managing passes in a team

  • Set up trusted pass issuers in the team

  • Issue passes for members in the team

  • After receiving the pass, the pass will appear in our wallet

  • When connecting to the app, provide the pass to confirm your identity

Notification Service: Support for Blocklet to send real-time notifications and messages to wallets#

Notification is one of the basic features that every application needs to stay connected with its users, such as notifying them that an order has been shipped, an auction has been sold, a membership is about to expire, etc.

ABT Node provides a DID-based notification service that enables Blocklet developers to send notifications to users' DID wallets in a decentralized manner without relying on any third-party services.

  • The decentralized design makes it impossible for unused Blocklets to spam your account.
  • Messages sent not only support text, but can also carry attachments such as passes, NFTs and VCs (verifiable credentials).
  • Support for sending messages in multiple languages.

Configuring the Notification Service for Blocklets

Blocklets can use the notification service after the blocklet.yml configuration file shows that the auth service is enabled.

- type: web
name: publicUrl
path: /
prefix: "*"
protocol: http
- name: "@abtnode/auth-service"

Blocklets send real-time notifications and messages to wallets

Use the Blocklet SDK to send notification

const Notification = require("@blocklet/sdk/service/notification");

const userDid = "xxx"; // get user did from session or db

await Notification.sendToUser(userDid, {
title: "hello world",
body: "This is a message from blocklet",

UI Optimization: Significantly optimized Dashboard UI#

  • Redesigned Dashboard app market page UI, cleaner Blocklet card

  • Significantly optimized Dashboard experience on mobile, almost all key actions can be done on mobile

  • Split team management from a unified page to individual apps, making it easier for admins to manage apps


  • Cache downloaded Blocket to improve download speed
  • Support custom Blocklet name, description and private key
  • Composite Blocklet supports AuthService configuration to distinguish between parent and child
  • Support running Blocklet in cluster mode
  • Add WalletAuthenticator to Blocklet SDK
  • ABT node supports automatic launch of pre-installed Blocklet directly on first boot
  • Add EventBus service inside ABT node, more timely message synchronization between child services via EventBus
  • If the node is created by Node Launcher, you can see the launcher information in Dashboard.
  • Changed ABT Wallet to DID Wallet
  • Some bug fixes to improve stability and performance