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2 Days Countdown to ArcBlock Devcon 2021: DID Wallet Android Version is to Release

Jun 16, 2021 · edited
DID Wallet (ABT Wallet 3.0) Android Version is officially released today when the upcoming ArcBlock DevCon 2021 which will be held in 2 days.

As the first decentralized identity wallet in blockchain space, ABT Wallet has continued to update and iterate since its release on May 20, 2019. The Android version of Wallet 3.0 released today has undergone a comprehensive and major update to the overall user interface and user experience, and renamed DID Wallet. It is hoped that the wallet will be more friendly to NFT support through a new interface and interactive methods, and it will be easier to use and smooth for users.

The following is a preview of the latest features of DID wallet:

Brand New NFT Assets Page#

  • Newly designed application list, card style
  • The application list page supports direct preview of some NFT assets in the application
  • The newly designed application details page, which previously aggregated and displayed the user’s balance and various NFT assets in the application dimension

New Balance Page#

  • Fully support Ethereum wallet
  • Support exporting the private key of the Ethereum account, seamlessly compatible with mainstream Ethereum wallets such as MetaMask, ImToken, etc.
  • Supports the Ethereum test chain, which is convenient for developers to use DID wallet for development and debugging
  • Supports fiat currency balance display
  • Support the aggregation and display of wallet assets in the dimension of the chain, even if you interact with more chains, you can deal with it easily

Brand New Transactions Page#

  • Newly designed transaction list, card style
  • The transaction list can preview the appearance of the NFT in the transaction, and you can preview it without entering the details page
  • Newly designed transaction details page, transaction details are clearly visible

NFT Support Enhanced#

  • Support large image horizontal screen preview of NFT
  • Support sharing NFT with image
  • Support sending NFT
  • Support jump to NFT Marketplace to auction NFT
  • Support ArcBlock NFT Endpoint, NFT can be dynamic with the suppport of DID Auth

New Notification#

  • Supports notification protocol based on ABT Node, making the wallet experience smoother
Now you can log in to the wallet's official website to download the experience:
To download Android locally:

DevCon Tickets#

The tickets of ArcBlock DevCon 2021 has been officially on sale. This is the first NFT (Non-Fungible Token) ticket of developer conference supported by blockchain technology in the industry. Participants will experience the ArcBlock technology products firsthand. Each DevCon ticket, as well as the badges and certificates collected after attending the conference with a ticket to watch the speech, are NFTs with their own numbers, colors and patterns, and can be publicly verified.

All participants have to download and use wallet to scan the QR code to get the free tickets, or use native ABT to purchase the premium tickets to enjoy the following privileges:

  • Access to all DevCon events
  • Premium Countdown Badge (NFT)
  • Premium Attendance Badge (NFT)
  • Premium Accomplishment Certificate (NFT)

More news about ArcBlock DevCon 2021, stay tuned.
