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ArcBlock Year in Review 2020

Dec 31, 2020 · edited
ArcBlock 2020 year in review was a transitional year for the Blockchain industry. In this article, ArcBlock CEO Robert Mao takes a look back at some of the challenges, opportunities, and showcases an optimistic view of what's to come in 2021.

ArcBlock CEO, Robert Mao - "A Year of Progress"#

Whether it's me or the ArcBlock team, 2020 has been a tough year, while also being a year of growth and love. I believe that one day in the future, when we look back we will all realize that we accomplished a lot - both personally and professionally.

Similar to many of our friends and customers, ArcBlock was deeply impacted by the epidemic and saw the overall industry take a downward trajectory as many businesses and individuals began to realize the full extent of the virus.

So for ArcBlock 2020 was a time to reflect, learn from our mistakes and return to our beginning by rediscovering ourselves and focusing ourselves on our mission to make decentralization a reality. We are removing past mistakes, focusing our strengths and delivering products to our customers that they need, want and can use.

2021 is no longer about unrealistic expectations, but rather embracing who we are and what we want to do in order to make ArcBlock a success. If you go back and look at the last year, you can see that despite the impact of the pandemic the ArcBlock team remained strong, reslilient and focused on building, improving and delivering our products.

"One day in retrospect, the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful."

Product Releases#

ABT Node#

ABT Wallet#


Token Swap#





2021 and Beyond#

As ArcBlock continues to grow as a company and become more public with it's product releases, ArcBlock will no longer be announcing it's internal product roadmap. As a product company, the focus will remain entirely on the DApps Platform and customers with every action going forward focused on bettering the ArcBlock experience.

Some notable things to be aware of for the first and second quarters of 2021 include:

  • To improve the ArcBlock experience going forward, we will initiate and complete a complete reverse Token Swap operation returning to the free ERC20 state. In doing so, we will be able to improve the ArcBlock platform and experience for our developers and customers by removing much of our technical debt;
  • We will introduce a new ABT asset chain based on the Ethereum Optimistic Rollup mechanism, and sunset our previous Forge-based native asset chain approach. In doing so, we will enable uro users to gain the benefits of both Ethereum and the high-performance native chain;
  • Lastly, we will host our next DevCon 2 Developers Conference in June, when we'll partner with more developer partners to show the future of decentralization, DApps and more.

While 2020 has been challenging, it has also created many new opportunities for ArcBlock. While "the pessimist is often right, the optimist is often successful". In the unprecedented dilemmas and challenges of 2020, we have chosen to be optimistic and are excited to share everything we've been working on.
