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ArcBlock Joins Panel at Blockchain Startup Event

Jan 28, 2020 · edited
On February 7th, 2020 ArcBlock ArcBlocks team will participate in the Washington Technologies Industry Association (WTIA) first ever blockchain accelerator and startup events being held in Seattle, WA. The Blockchain Accelerator is a first of its kind and is being launched by Global Affairs Canada and the WTIA Cascadia Blockchain Council. The goal of the accelerator event is to advance the blockchain indsutry and joins together two significant geographical regions in the Pacific Northwest region and to align industry leaders from the region together with startups who are building leading blockchain solutions for the future. "We are excited to be part of the Steering Committee and being a representative for our region to our Canadian blockchain friends. We are excited and impressed by their solutions, and look forward to collaboraring and working together to make their products a huge success," said Matt McKinney, VP of Marketing.

ArcBlock Shares Blockhain Expertise, Team and Platform to Accelerator Startups#

The Canadian Blockchain Market Accelelator is an eight-week program that is gives six blockchain startups the opportunity to receive customized, one-on-one technical and business development mentoring from blockchain experts based in the Pacific Northwest, an area of advanced startup leadership within the industry and North America. The five Canadian blockchain startups included in the program are Virgil Systems, TerraHub, Mavennet Systems, Inc., MetaDigital, Inc., and BlokSec Technologies, Inc. Throughout the five-phase program, founders will receive expert guidance on their business model, and blockchain products from committee members including ArcBlock.

Blockchain as an emerging technology reaches far beyond the Cascadia region, and the council and steering committee members want to play an important role in that expansion. With this program, we can aid creative and ambitious founders and their teams with the right business tools and training to excel giving them the exact support they need most,” said Arry Yu, Cascadia Blockchain Council Chair. “By investing time and energy in developing these companies, we can drive broader impact throughout the industry, reaching into Canada and beyond.”

“The Canadian government values the transformative nature of blockchain, including its application across many facets of the economy, and is committed to supporting Canadian enterprises that are harnessing this technology to generate significant economic growth,” said Brandon Lee, Consul General for Canada in Seattle, and Chief Digital Strategist for Global Affairs Canada. “This market accelerator program provides Canadian companies a unique opportunity to strengthen cross-border economic partnerships, as well as to propel Canada’s blockchain industry forward in the development of this revolutionary technology.”

To learn more about ArcBlock, and it's involvement in the Cascadia Blockchain Council, visit their website or latest news updates.
