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ArcBlock Month in Review for August 2019

Aug 31, 2019 · edited
ArcBlock Monthly Review for August 2019

Research and Development#

  • Token Swap Service:

UX design for admin / wallet / ABT vault
sweeper service basic logic is done
notification service token / publish logic is done
token swap service status persistence / recovery pipeline is done
main functionalities of controlled account / deposit / withdraw is ready (client can test)
revoke_delegate, deposit_token, withdraw_token, collect tx ongoing

  • Cross-chain Service: wallet & event chain integration
  • Forge Core:

activate / deactivate protocol support
0.36.x with new txs support and various fixes

  • Forge CLI: multiple chain support released
  • ABT Wallet:
new release on android & iPhone
android & iPhone support new tx UI
atomic swap basic flow works
  • Forge Doc:
new doc engine (and build pipeline) released
main structure refreshed

GitHub Weekly Updates



  • On August 2nd to August 4th ArcBlock attended Trufflecon hosted by Truffle and Microsoft partner Microsoft Azure at Microsoft's headquarters in Redmond, WA.

  • On August 14th ArcBlock Software Engineer Riley Shu attended a TF Blockchain Panel Discussion, along with Telos Foundation founder Douglas Horn and professional gamer Wesley Duncan discussing the impact and potential of blockchain in the gaming industry.

  • From August 19th to August 21st ArcBlock attended the Berlin Web3 Summit including live demos of ArcBlock's platform, partner meetings and more.

  • On August 20th ArcBlock's Director of Marketing Matt McKinney, was the key speaker at TF Blockchain's Fireside Chat in Portland, Oregon discussing recent government use cases around blockchain including the SEC's announcement that they will be running their own nodes and the impact that the government will have in the months and years ahead.

  • On August 22nd ArcBlock Director of Marketing Matt McKinney partiicipated in TF Blockchains fireside chat to discuss the role of decentralized identity including the role of the decentralized identity wallet and the upcoming identity revolution.

  • On August 22nd ArcBlock Senior Software Engineering, Boshan Sun, gave a talk at the Functional Programming Group in Bellevue, WA discussing Erlang, Elixir, RabbitMQ and how ArcBlock's blockchain platform utilizes the Erlang ecosystem to deliver the most flexibie, scalable platform today.

  • From August 21st to August 23rd ArcBlock attended DappCon 2019 in Berlin, Germany to participate in events, showcase ArcBlock's platform and successful DApp projects built on ArcBlock.

  • On August 23rd ArcBlock Vice President of Engineering Tian Chen and Director of Marketing Matt McKinney participated in the IEEE Pacific Rim Computer and Signal Processing Conference held in Victoria, British Columbia Canada. Tian Chen's talk was titled ArcBlock Forge: Building a Framework for Interconnected Blockchains and Decentralized Applications for researchers and to build Proof of Concepts.

  • On August 28th Vice President of Public Relations Jean Chen discussed the use of decentralized identities alongside peers from Merck and Shizhi Manpower at the HR Tech China event.


Podcasts and Video#

  • Audio
  • Video
  • August 15th saw part one of four part series from Nana documenting her journey of using Forge to build a vending machine decentralized application.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

  • August 20th, Part 2 of Nana's Vending Machine DApp

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

  • August 30th, Part 3 of Nana's Vending Machine Dapp

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>


