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ArcBlock Joins GIX for Introduction to Blockchain Event

Jul 28, 2019 · edited

ArcBlock joined GIX and Tsinghua University delivering a real-world introduction to blockchain

ArcBlock joined with the Global Innovation Exchange to support their efforts around collaborate across broders and innovate on local and global challenges. ArcBlocks Software Engineering, Riley Shu, presented a real-world introduction into blockchain for visiting Tsinghua Univerity students and faculty. Today's session was part of GIX's Global Innovation Camp for the best high school students in China and focuses on opportunities to inspire creative thinking, cultivate research skills and be a part of Tsinghua's well-established academic program.

Introduction to Blockchain

The presentation focused several key areas including:

  • Evolution of bockchain
  • Why do we need blockchain?
  • What is blockchain
  • real-world use cases of blockchain
  • Centralized vs. Decentralized

During the presentation, students were introduced to the both the history of blockchain including Bitcoin and Ethereum and how those technologies have led us to today's current iteration of blockchain 3.0. Moreover, the presentation will include an examination of why blockchain is needed today more than previous generations of new technologies to help protect users and businesses in the upcoming 5G revolution.

Anyone can review the Introduction to Blockchain session by visiting ArcBlock's learning page -
