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Blockchain or Walled Garden: China's Public Chain Debate

Jul 4, 2019 · edited
On July 4th, ArcBlock CEO and Founder, Robert Mao participated in a large scale Ask Me Anything event with Qufen.Top.

Ask Me Anything with ArcBlock CEO Robert Mao and Distinguished Moderator Lao Guo#

Moderator- Lao Guo: Next up, I want to invite someone I know very well both by reputation and experience.

He was an industry leader and someone who can share insights and expertise as only a few can. He has founded three very successful Internet companies in succession, worked with Microsoft GPDE as a senior engineer and most recently in 2017, he founded one of the leading blockchain projects called Arcblock, which is focused on building and deploying a blockchain application platform and creation of the world's first blockchain 3.20 ecosystem.

He is none other than the founder of ArcBlock, Mr. Robert Mao.

ArcBlock CEO - Robert Mao: Hello everyone! I am very honored to have the opportunity to come to this event, thank you for the hard work of the students, thank you to the community for their support, and the students who are still participating tonight.

The introduction of the moderator just now is concise. I will tell you about my current environment and let everyone have some sense of what I am up to 🙂 I happened to be on a business trip to Tokyo from the United States today. I was ready to participate in the event when I got off the plane. I was going to take a nap before I started, but I didn't expect the previous three peers to be too exciting and stayed awake. However, when I started speaking, I suddenly fell asleep. 🙂

Moderator - Lao Guo: Yes, since you are in Japan it seems that now the time is just right. Otherwise, if you were still back home in the United States, it would be around 6am. The first question: Can you talk about the meaning of the word block in the blockchain? What do you think is the cornerstone of the blockchain?

ArcBlock CEO - Robert Mao The basic meaning of the word "ArcBlock" comes from "Building Blocks". The term Building Blocks has a lot of meaning in the industry, but one of the most basic meanings is "building blocks." From the very beginning of my creation of ArcBlock, we have a basic goal, to demystify and standardize blockchain technology and applications, to make the development of blockchain simple, and to make decentralized applications easy for end users to accept.

This is our official description: the world's first blockchain and cloud computing platform and blockchain 3.0 ecosystem designed to develop and deploy decentralized applications (DApps), providing developers access to decentralized identity (DID)-based, ABT blockchain node and Forge chain development framework integrated with cloud computing, one-click custom blockchains, cross-chain communication, multi-chain interconnection, weaving chain for the network, allowing DApps to run on different blockchains on demand To help all walks of life seamlessly connect existing systems and services with blockchains, give full play to the role of blockchain technology in transforming existing business data, users and processes, and promote the formation of a new information society infrastructure.

In fact, the basic meaning is the same.

Moderator Lao Guo: Just read the introduction and feel that this is a thorough entrepreneurial direction.

ArcBlock CEO - Robert Mao:: What is the cornerstone of the blockchain? This question is very level! Everyone must have their own understanding, but I think the cornerstone of the blockchain is the interoperability of interconnected chains. Many of today's blockchains are still "walled gardens."

Moderator - Lao Guo: I understand this sentence. The cornerstone of the future blockchain world is the interoperability of interconnected chains. At the same time, the blockchain world must be supported by a blockchain network with interconnected interoperability between chains.

ArcBlock CEO - Robert Mao: The blockchain must truly break through the barriers of the future society, and the interconnection between the various chains must be the basis. The chain of information silos has to say goodbye to the historical stage. Many projects, such as the one IRISnet just shared, are now explored in this direction. We are very happy that there are colleagues on the road to innovation.

Moderator - Lao Guo: I very much agree with this point!

The second question: ArcBlock To address the interoperability of blockchains, Cosmos and Polkadot are also addressing the interoperability of blockchains, namely cross-chain operations, what is the difference between ArcBlock and the other two?

ArcBlock CEO - Robert Mao: First of all, everyone has a lot of common ground and similar places, in fact, blockchain technology is computer science, everyone's basic ideas and starting point are similar. The architecture of ArcBlock and Cosmos is relatively close. Polkadots belong to a slightly different genre.

I personally think that Polkadot actually belongs to the Ethereum 2.0 idea, which is basically the improvement of Gavin's original idea, but the essence of the idea still does not surpass Ethereum. Cosmos and ArcBlock are new and relatively large-scale peer-to-peer chains, and the idea of ​​“weaving chains for the web” is fundamentally different from Polkadot's need for Master Relay Chain and Pooled Security design.

An important weapon in ArcBlock design is the DID, which decentralizes the ID. Through this foundation, we can determine the same user's account on different chains through a simple algorithm, which greatly simplifies the design difficulty of cross-chain design. One of the basic principles of our ArcBlock design is "simple": easy to understand, easy to develop, and easy to use, which is our goal. Therefore, our system reflects the simple and convenient pursuit of developers in all aspects.

This picture is a simple comparison of ArcBlock vs Cosmos vs Polkadot, you can see that everyone has a similar design, but we strongly emphasize the ease of development. Our goal is to make our application framework like the epoch-making framework of Ruby on Rails in the Web era. Before the advent of RoR, developing the Web was a tough job, requiring countless wheels and learning a variety of skills. After the RoR appeared, with a set of wheels, you can get professional development right away. In the future, various popular web frameworks are deeply inspired.

Moderator - Lao Guo: You have been in contact with the Internet since 1995, and then deep entrepreneurship, have been to the era of Internet prosperity, and then step into the blockchain era, this experience, for you to examine the development of blockchain The veins must be of great help.

ArcBlock CEO - Robert Mao: Yes, there is a saying "history does not repeat, but rhyme". After several ups and downs of the technology wave, I can feel that the pulse of the development of blockchain technology is actually similar to the past.

I wrote a special article "5 Graphics to Help You Understand Blockchain to compare the Internet era Web architecture with the current blockchain Dapps architecture, in fact, everyone has a lot in common.

Moderator - Lao Guo: Well, the general feeling should be, first comes a breakthrough blockchain version of the original web development framework Ruby on Rails, this is what ABT has to do.

ArcBlock CEO - Robert Mao: Scientific progress has always been iterative evolution, the word "revolution" likes to hang on the mouth, but in fact the development of science is rarely jumping, both Standing on the shoulders of the predecessors.

Moderator - Lao Guo: OK, then talk about ArcBlock's recent achievements or progress and the next major plan.

ArcBlock CEO - Robert Mao: ArcBlock has been steadily advancing along its our defined roadmap. In the past six months, we have released a series of important components as planned. Some time ago, we just self-summarized "First Anniversary of ArcBlock Blockchain Platform".

We have completed several important milestones at present: OCAP (Open Chain Access Protocol), we support support for BTC and ETH; Forge Framework, which is the RoR framework of the blockchain era that I have said, has released the first one. Version, can be "one-click chain", "one-click deployment"; ABT Wallet, the first decentralized wallet that supports DID, can be downloaded in iOS and Android store.

Moderator - Lao Guo: ABT Wallet, the first decentralized wallet to support DID, can be downloaded from iOS and Android store. I am now syncing to 40 WeChat groups. iOS download link: Android download link: .app

ArcBlock CEO - Robert Mao: These are a few important parts of ArcBlocok's complete puzzle, but there are a few key points in the complete puzzle. We are going on, and once these puzzles are completed, everyone can see us more easily. A foundational platform for the contribution and construction of the blockchain industry. It should be noted that our ArcBlock is actually a basic work, and the platforms and tools we provide are mainly for developers. We need to work with more developers in the blockchain industry to build more application services that are truly available to end users. The biggest problem in the blockchain industry today is that there are too many coins, too many exchanges, too many chains, and too few application businesses. We hope to contribute a little bit to solving the application business too little.

Moderator - Lao Guo: Ok, let's continue. You are in the United States, talk about it and what is the local perspective of Libra? And what do you think of Libra?

ArcBlock CEO - Robert Mao: The American industry feels that the political significance of this incident is greater than the technical significance, and overall it is very positive. The conservative and old-fashioned policies of the United States in blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies have already hurt the United States in its future status. Some members of Congress certainly propose that the hearing requirements are within their scope of functions, but the actual ability of Congress to do so in this area is actually limited, and Facebook is likely to have expected to play against them.

Moderator - Lao Guo: So yesterday's Congressional shot can be understood as a Democratic and Republican party struggle?

ArcBlock CEO - Robert Mao: It can be seen that most of the comments were from Democrats, and the main past and the bank had a history that was once investigated by the Congressional Ethics Committee, at least it can be seen A member of the bank with close ties.

We will wait and see, the American people are not afraid of things.

Moderator - Lao Guo: The traditional bank did not become the master node, requiring 51% of attacks.

ArcBlock CEO - Robert Mao: There are 535 people in the US Congress, which is equivalent to 535 voting super nodes. These people are not enough to launch 51% attacks.

Moderator - Lao Guo: Look, the US master node design is still very forward-looking, fortunately not 21 nodes.

**ArcBlock CEO - Robert Mao: ** It is said that July 4th is the anniversary of the creation of the United States block.

Moderator - Lao Guo: Independence Day, history will come today. what are the prospects for Libra?

ArcBlock CEO - Robert Mao: I think Libra may not be able to win, but it will become a meaningful piece in history, and the final victory in the blockchain industry is inevitable.

ArcBlock CEO Robert Mao: All of you are historical participants and witnesses.

Moderator - Lao Guo: I have to make a slight correction. Libra's MOVE voice supports smart contract development, will it grab some public chain jobs? With Libra supporting smart contracts, it's a bit like the WeChat twelfth grid with rich traffic and getting paid. It's bound to be a lot of Dapp rushing to come in. What do you think?

ArcBlock CEO - Robert Mao: I think Facebook has put a lot of effort into MOVE. Solidity's starting point is very good, putting the contract as the first class citizen, static type, easier to do static analysis, can be more secure ... but later due to the immaturity of the language they have run into issues ever since. Polkadot's financing was mostly lost in the event that the Parity wallet's smart contract was deleted, and hundreds of thousands of ETHs were lost, largely because the goal was that the more secure language was premature and the developers were prone to making mistakes.

Moderator - Lao Guo: So it is a bit more greedy, or let the stable currency be done first.

ArcBlock CEO - Robert Mao: Move This starting point and design is very interesting, but inventing a new wheel is not the way to solve the current problem. Libra's future thinking and I'm still very different from WeChat, but let Libra run the basics first.

Moderator - Lao Guo: If you recommend a public chain founder to participate in the "Great China's Public Chain," who would you recommend? Is there any recommended book or movie?

ArcBlock CEO - Robert Mao: I admire the iron man Elon Musk.

Moderator - Lao Guo: Elon Musk, an alien from the sky, thinks about the outer space of Mars every day, but creates a lot of miracles on Earth.

ArcBlock CEO - Robert Mao: The recommendation of the founder of the public chain is of course our partner, comrade-in-arms Cybermiles Lucas, blockchain and e-commerce can have a lot of opportunities, Cybermiles is going in a good direction.

ArcBlock CEO - Robert Mao: I read a book on the plane today and recommend it.

Reading this book was an unexpected surprise and I highly recommended. The recommendations in this book are not only suitable for entrepreneurship, but also for innovative product development, especially in the emerging industry of blockchain.

A few brief comments after reading:

  • Entrepreneurship/innovation is about controlling risk, not the risk itself. A good entrepreneur is a master of risk control. Outsiders seem to think that the risk is very high. In fact, they don't see that some things are not as big a risk to the master professional.
  • Trade secrets are the best way to deal with “barbarians at home”. The best secret is that others know your secret and don't know how to copy it. There are too many people in the blockchain industry to plagiarize and show, and innovators with strong technology must keep a good secret, and don’t let the people work hard to make people's hard work.
  • “Resilience to vulnerability” is also resistant to risks in an uncertain future. To have good anti-fragility, we must control the cash flow, not be greedy, and concentrate. Many very successful companies only need very few people. Warren Buffett's company has only a few dozen people. Software for hundreds of millions of people, innovative companies worth a few b can be as few as people (less than 10 on Instagram, 30 on Whatsapp, and one on Minecraft).

There must be feelings, and entrepreneurship without feelings (especially the only purpose is to make money) is not long-term, and the ability to resist vulnerability is not enough. Have feelings and be more resistant to the temporary trough.

There are a lot more. This book is very good!

Moderator - Robert Mao: Thank you for sharing today! Stimulate thinking!

audience asks about the link!

Moderator - Lao Guo: We have a macro question: What do you think about it? Where is the root cause of the problem of restricting blockchain development at the moment, where is the breakthrough point, whether the technology is immature, or whether people are not sufficiently aware or policy? Too many restrictions?

ArcBlock CEO - Robert Mao: One big problem that restricts development now is that there are too many scammers, swindling a lot of people's money and confidence, and swearing to the zf and the old forces, hurting the industry. The United States is too strict here and has too many restrictions. Our country is too loose or uncontrollable.

Moderator - Lao Guo: founder & host - Lao Guo: The perfect 90-post style tonight! Thank you for your discussion tonight! The question just expressed our hope and we believe that we will continue to explore and explore in the era of nomadic.

It’s too late today, almost 4 hours, and this question is enough to represent the end of the evening. Let's get here first today, and accept the words of a few big brothers. Let's work together and go hand in hand!
