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ArcBlock Participates in TechCrunch's Blockchain Hackathon in Shenzhen, China

Nov 18, 2018 · edited

ArcBlock participated and was a sponsor at this weekends blockchain hackathon at the Shenzhen Bay Eco-Technology Park in Shenzhen, China. Shenzhen is known as the hardware capital of the world, but this weekend the focus changed to building DApps and blockchain-enabled services using ArcBlock's development platform and blockchain-ready OCAP Playground. In addition to ArcBlock, several other blockchain companies were in attendance including the ever-popular Cryptokitties.

Similar to previous events, the event was free and each team was given 24-hours to build their app and then present it to their peers and a panel of industry experts to decide on the winners. The criteria for to evaluate the DApps including creativity, experience, business value, complexity, and of course the all important completion of the project. Several of the potential awards included most innovative product, most valuable product and most completed product.

The blockchain hackathon is a first for TechCrunch and was designed showcase blockchain's versatile application and use cases in a nearly endless list of industries including supply chain logistics, gaming, medical software and voting applications to name a few.

ArcBlock attends TechCrunch's blockchain hackathon in Shenzhen, China

ArcBlock attends TechCrunch's blockchain hackathon in Shenzhen, China

While many decentralized applications were created over 24-hours, the winning ArcBlock team built an innovative DApp called ArcPay. ArcPay has real business value and used ArcBlock's OCAP services to create a complete currency micropayment system that includes both the front-end, as well as the back-end merchant interface. ArcBlock will posting video and highlights of the winning DApp shortly on our Youtube channel.

ArcPay, micropayment DApp won ArcBlock's first prize

Winning team of ArcBlock's blockchain DApp challenge collecting their prize

For anyone interested in learning more about ArcBlock, please contact ArcBlock by visiting their website or follow them at Twitter:@arcblock_io or their Telegram community at for more information.

