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ArcBlock CEO Speaks at the HacktheMACHINE Hackathon in Seattle, WA

Sep 22, 2018 · edited

CEO and Founder of ArcBlock, Robert Mao, lead a blockchain session for U.S. Navy Executives during one of several invite only HacktheMACHINE Designer sessions focused on bringing new and innovative technologies to the U.S. Navy. During the session, Robert spoke at length on the history of blockchain and introduced the core concepts behind blockchain 3.0 and how the U.S. Navy can benefit from the new generation of blockchain services.

CEO of ArcBlock, Robert Mao, at HacktheMACHINE Hackathon

During the session, executives were given an in-depth look at the core fundamental of blockchain including the basic tenants of a smart contract, and when to use blockchain during the system design process. Robert provided multiple graphics that outlined what a typical architecture looked like that also included industry best practices.

Focusing on the needs of the U.S. Navy, Robert spent some time reviewing several sample platform designs focused on several predetermined areas that could have an immediate impact for the Navy including:

  • Legal Document platform
  • Data Marketplace platform

In looking at the Data Marketplace platform, there were multiple questions around how Navy administrators can utilize blockchain and provide robust security around access and rights when multiple vendors need access to some, or all parts of the data being distributed.

The discussion also looked at today's issues around DApp development and some of the existing pain points encountered by developers when building services or applications that leverage blockchain. These pain points include:

  • Poor performance
  • Too many blockchains
  • Vendor lock-in
  • No common standards

Robert also outlined how ArcBlock is resolving these existing pain points today and greatly simplifying the entire development lifecycle for DApps and decentralized services.

HacktheMACHINE Invite Only Designer Sessions for U.S. Navy Executives

For anyone who is interested, you can view Robert's presentation by visiting Website:

For anyone interested in learning more about ArcBlock, please contact ArcBlock by visiting their website or follow them at Twitter:@arcblock_io or their Telegram community at for more information.

