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New feature! The Disscuss Kit User Center is here!

Yongzhuo Liang
Feb 23, 2024 · edited

Author: Zaiquan Wen, ArcBlock Engineer

We are excited to announce that after a month of research and development, Discuss Kit v1.6.144 User Center feature has been officially released!

We hope that the launch of this feature will further strengthen the connection between users, improve the growth of the community, and allow users to have a richer and smoother user-centric communication experience with Discuss Kit.


The user center is implemented based on @blocklet/ui-react components. In the future, we will provide more detailed information to help developers better utilize this component!

Currently, the user center includes the following functions:

  • Feeds: The feeds tab provides the ability to track real-time activities of users on Discuss Kit. This includes but is not limited to posting new posts, documents, or blogs. All activities will be reflected in real-time in the dynamic section, so that users can promptly obtain the latest information.
  • Comments: The comments tab showcases users' comment history in the Discuss Kit community. Whether expressing views on posts or interacting with other community members, a complete record can be found here. This not only makes it convenient for users to review their own comments but also helps other users to gain a deeper understanding of their viewpoints and thoughts.
  • Favorites: The favorites tab allows users to add valuable or interesting posts to their personal list of favorites. This provides users with a quick access to important information and improves the efficiency of information retrieval.
  • Following: The following tab provides users with a platform to view and manage a list of users they are following. Users can see their latest updates and their personal information, allowing for better interaction with them.
  • Followers: The followers tab provides the ability to view a list of users who are following the current user. Users can view their personal information and their activities in the Discuss Kit community to understand which users are interested in their posts.
  • Badges: The badges tab displays all the medals obtained by the user, which is a recognition of the user's contribution to the community.
  • Chat: The chat function provides a direct channel for users to engage in private conversations with other users. Users can send messages, share ideas, or have in-depth discussions.
  • Follow: The follow user update feature allows users to subscribe to specific users' latest updates. When the followed user posts new content, the system will send notifications to subscribers through web pages, DID Wallet, email, etc., so that they can receive timely updates.
  • Privacy settings: The privacy settings allow users to choose whether to make their personal profile public or private in order to protect their privacy.

How to use#

  • You can enter the user center of the current user by clicking on the avatar in the upper right corner of the page.

  • In the personal user center, you can make privacy settings and choose whether to make your activities public.

  • You can also click on other users' profiles to enter their user center and view their updates.

  • In other users' user centers, you can click Chat to jump to the chat page, or click Follow to get their latest updates.

  • On the Discussion page, you can click Favorite to save it to your user center for easy access to receive notifications and reminders later.

Installation and experience#

Click on the link below to start your own DiscussKit with just one click:

You can also click on the link below to view an example of the ArcBlock community user personal center:

Feedbacks are welcome#

We are very excited for everyone to use and experience the User Center. If you encounter any issues during use, please go to the ArcBlock Community to provide feedback. We will continue to improve and optimize to provide a better user experience for everyone!
