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Recap: 3 AI conferences, 4 AIGNE application demos

Jun 4, 2024 · edited

In the last week of May that just passed, we attended three conferences on the theme of AI separately:

  • In Seattle, a closed-door meeting on the theme of AI Agent organized by the Seattle Entrepreneurship Club, with over twenty AI startup teams and angel investors and venture capitalists from Seattle participating.
  • At the Plug & Play Tech Center in Sunnyvale, AI startups from the Bay Area, investors, and a delegation of entrepreneurs from China held a closed-door roadshow meeting.
  • The three-day GenAI Summit 2024 conference held in San Francisco.

At these meetings, we introduced the functions and advantages of AIGNE, a no-code generated artificial intelligence application engine. AIGNE can not only help developers quickly build artificial intelligence applications, but also allow non-technical personnel to easily participate in the application development process. With AIGNE, users can create their own artificial intelligence applications through simple visual descriptions without the need to write complex code.

Apart from introducing the functionality of AIGNE, we also showcased some application demos developed with AIGNE, demonstrating the application scenarios and actual effects of AIGNE in different fields. Through these demos, everyone can have a more intuitive understanding of the powerful features and user-friendliness of AIGNE, as well as how it helps them quickly build excellent artificial intelligence applications. At these meetings, we demonstrated ArcBlock's leading position and innovative capabilities in the field of no-code application development by introducing and showcasing AIGNE and related application demos to the attendees, inspiring them with confidence and anticipation for future application development. During the meetings, we received inquiries, invitations, and further contact requests from many potential clients and investors.

Here we briefly introduce the overview of the four Demo applications demonstrated at the conference. We deliberately selected several applications demonstrated at these conferences, gradually choosing several functionally complete and complex applications to eliminate the misconception that "no-code" tools can only build simple applications or single-form applications.

We plan to detail the functionality and implementation process of each demo application in the article, including the technologies and tools used. We will also record videos demonstrating the running process of each demo application, so that the audience can have a more intuitive understanding of the application scenarios and advantages of AIGNE. Through these articles and videos, we hope to help everyone better understand the potential of AIGNE and how to use it to develop real applications.

Mockplexity - AI Knowledge Search Engine# is an AI-based conversational search engine that can use natural language to predict and answer queries. It is the world's first search engine that integrates dialogue and links, capable of identifying and responding to vague or abstract natural language queries. The company was founded in 2022, headquartered in San Francisco, and has raised over $165 million in funding, with a valuation exceeding $1 billion.

We can create a similar application in less than 10 minutes using AIGNE! We jokingly refer to this demo project as "Mockplexity".


Image: Interpretation of Perplexity on ArcBlock


Image: Mockplexity's Interpretation of ArcBlock


Image: Definition of Mockplexity inside AIGNE Studio

The official website of Perplexity is at:, everyone can go there to experience it themselves, while the "source code" of our Mockplexity is placed in a Github repository, which can be opened with AIGNE Studio. Here you can see that AIGNE projects support version control, we use GIT for version management, and users can publish their projects on Github. Supporting version control is an important engineering feature of AIGNE, and it is also the foundation for AIGNE to be used in serious product development.

Mockplexity's source code repository on Github:

Chinese Imperial Court RPG game#

In less than 10 minutes, we used AIGNE to build a RPG game demo of a Chinese imperial court story. This RPG demo game is a "multi-agent" structured game, which means we used large language models to construct multiple different character roles, and placed these different roles in the same scene to interact and converse with users.

In the past, the dialogue role-playing games seen in the market were all single-character, such as the famous and many similar products. With AIGNE, not only can you easily build those dialogue games in, but you can also easily have these characters interact in the same scene.


Image: Game screen (Chinese dialogue)


Image: In AIGNE Studio's definition, you can see that we have defined 3 roles and 1 scene.

The backgrounds and character images in the game are also generated using AIGC. Similarly, we have put this demo project on GitHub. Interested friends can pull it down and see how we implemented it. It is important to note that the prompts here are written in Chinese, but you can participate in the game using any language.

The source code repository of this Demo game on Github:

Mock0 - AI Automatically Develops User Interfaces#

Vercel's v0 is an AI-based generative user interface system. It can generate front-end based on React, Tailwind CSS, and shadcn/ui according to the user's natural language description. Users only need to describe the desired interface, v0 will generate the corresponding React code, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. v0 is developed by Vercel's AI team, aiming to simplify the creation process of websites and applications through generative AI, accelerating front-end development. It represents a new direction in UI development, combining the potential of generative AI with front-end best practices.

This is a fairly advanced AI project, where we have challenged ourselves to generate a tool through the AIGNE no-code tool that can help us write code - Mock 0. Mock 0 fully demonstrates the unlimited potential of AIGNE, which can be used to develop quite complex applications.


Image: Screen of Vercel V0


Image: Screen of Mock0


Image: The definition of Mock0 in AIGNE Studio can be seen, and it seems that this project is still a bit complex.


Image: The Key of Mock0 - Custom Programming Knowledge Base, the foundation for helping AI write applications

The project of Mock0 has also been placed on GitHub. However, Mock0 relies heavily on a relatively large programming knowledge base in addition to the rules defined in the project. Any changes to this knowledge base can enable AI to write various types of code, such as different languages and frameworks.

Repository of source code on Github:

Aistro - Astrologer of the Great Language Model#

The final demonstration is Aistro, an astrological application based on a large language model that we released last year. The previous three demos were for demonstration purposes, while Aistro is a full-fledged product-level application.

Aistro was developed based on AIGNE, but Aistro is also the reason why AIGNE is so powerful. It is truly in our development needs of Aistro that we see the endless possibilities of AIGNE, which has transformed it from an internal tool to a universal product.


If you are interested in Aistro, you can immediately visit the Aistro website, download the Aistro mobile app, and experience the fun of combining modern artificial intelligence with ancient astrology.

More applications will burst out#

Our several meetings have attracted a large number of developers, investors, and prospective users. They come from different industries and backgrounds, full of expectations for the potential and future development of AIGNE. They participate in discussions, put forward constructive opinions and suggestions, providing valuable references for the development direction of AIGNE.

The few demo products of AIGNE fully demonstrate its capabilities. These products have been carefully designed and developed, showcasing the unique advantages and features of AIGNE as an AI No-code tool. The team members participating in the demo demonstrated their deep understanding and proficient use of AIGNE, giving the audience a more intuitive understanding of the potential of AIGNE.

AIGNE is not just a simple application toy, but a powerful tool that can develop quite complex and rich applications. Through AIGNE, users can easily create a variety of applications without writing code, saving a lot of time and effort. This innovative development approach has attracted more and more developers and businesses to use AIGNE to implement their creativity and ideas.

Especially AIGNE is built on the foundation of the ArcBlock platform. ArcBlock is a leading blockchain application development platform, providing rich tools and resources to support developers in building innovative applications. The integration of AIGNE and ArcBlock provides users with a broader creative space and a richer selection of functions, making application development and deployment more efficient and convenient. This infinite combination and overlay will create a good positive feedback loop for ArcBlock's application ecosystem. Developers can quickly build feature-rich, user-friendly applications through the integration of AIGNE and ArcBlock, providing users with a better user experience and service. This virtuous cycle of the ecosystem will attract more developers and investors to join in, driving the continuous growth and development of the ArcBlock ecosystem.


In the near future, more applications will emerge. With the continuous improvement and development of AIGNE and ArcBlock, more and more innovative applications will emerge. These applications will cover various industries and fields, bringing more convenience and innovation to users, and promoting the development and progress of the entire industry. We are full of confidence in the future and look forward to more exciting applications coming out.
